New Spring Boot Camp Begins This Week by Stephen Cooper

Morning Boot Camp Class

Want to know the secret to losing 10 pounds in one week?  I’m writing about this because one of our newest boot campers just told me that in her first week at boot camp (only 3 classes) she lost 10 pounds.

“No way!” You say, “That can't happen to me!”

So how did she do it?

Well, getting these results comes from a proven formula...

And I'm certain that you can do it too.

Over the years I’ve experimented with many many strategies to help people tone and lose fat.  In my upcoming boot camp,  I want to share those strategies with you.

Have a Plan

Many people join my boot camp because they know that they should be working out, but they don't have the time to design a plan, nor are they sure of exactly what they should be doing. 

  • Your time is precious.  When you attend boot camp you can be guaranteed that I have put together the best plan for you to lose fat, tone, and get stronger.  
  • Each class is planned out as being one part of the entire fat loss puzzle.  (You and I will work together to figure out your particular puzzle.)
  • Not only will your plan include what to do in class, but I do my best to suggest workouts that you can do outside of class.  (My client who lost the 10 pounds, did 2 simple at-home workouts which took no more than 12 minutes each.)

Eat Sensibly

If you are anywhere near my age, you've seen hundreds of diets, and probably thousands of supplements...all promising to strip fat and provide miracles.

  • They don't work!
  • So what does work?  Eating the freshest most wholesome food possible.
  • My boot camps are designed to provide long tern results.  Lessons about diet and food that you learn here will provide results that last a lifetime, not just for the 4 weeks or so that you train with me. 

Get In To Action

You've got to take action.  

I recently took BJ Fogg's "Tiny Habits" program (free), where basically you create new habits by making just the smallest change possible.  Taking these small actions set you on the path to creating new and positive behaviors.

If you really want to lose the fat and improve your health, you've got to action.

If you'd like some help in creating new behaviors and taking action, I encourage you to join us this week as we begin new boot camp classes.  (Classes begin Tuesday, Mar 27, and Wednesday, Mar 28)

Let me help you and provide you with the workouts, meal ideas, accountability, and encouragement.

How to Get Started

1.  Decide how much time you can commit to training.  Will it be 3 days a week (45 minutes each class)?  Or does 2 days per week work better for you?  

2.  What times can you train?   

  • Before work 5:45am - 6:30am?   
  • After work   6:00pm - 6:45pm? 

3.  To secure your spot, you'll simply fill out the pre training forms here on my site, and once you've done that, I'll confirm with you via email.


That's it!  I've laid out a plan and some advice.  My hope is that you take action.

Do you have any questions?

What is your plan?


Only a few spaces avail in the MWF Morning Class

Sharing by Stephen Cooper

This morning one of my clients asked when I began personal training.

I trained my first paying client in 1984.  

I just found these pictures of my first boot camp which was in 2003.  This was up at Don Benito School in Pasadena.

2003 First Boot Camper Group


2003 First Boot Camp ClassTraining is all about relationships...and I have a lot to be thankful for.  So many years, so many great clients.

Thanks.  I really appreciate you all.

What Do You Struggle With, When It Comes to Fat Loss? by Stephen Cooper

AM Boot Camp Session

I often ask my clients this question. "What Do You Struggle With, When It Comes to Fat Loss?"

Today I want to share the response from one of my clients, and my comments to her.

So, the things I struggle with in regards to losing weight are:
1) keeping my cravings in check
2) making exercise a priority and staying motivated 
3) keeping the weight OFF (I've probably lost the same 10 pounds 4-5 times!)

My comments... 

Regarding your 3 points... 

With cravings there are a couple of options.  One is to just have a little bit of the treat, say a tiny piece of dark chocolate...the other option is to save all of your "cheats" for one day.  Many fitness models use the second option and really go crazy on one day of the week (usually a weekend day).  You'll have to experiment to see what works best for you. 

Hopefully I'll keep the workouts different and therefore keep you motivated.  Changing up what you do, or the types of exercise keeps your mind challenged as well as your body guessing.  This will produce results in your body composition  

There is a sticking point or happy point where the body will stick at a certain weight.  It can be a challenge to break past this point.  I'm sure with the addition of you attending boot camp, your body will change.  It's just a matter of keeping on a sensible track with your eating, and challenging your body with movement  

Thanks for responding,


How About You??  What Do You Struggle With, When It Comes to Fat Loss?

I'd love to hear from you.


Two Quick, Yet Important Tips For Your New Boot Camp by Stephen Cooper

I like to keep things as simple as possible.

Honestly the easier we keep the "should do's" when it comes to fat loss, the sooner you'll see results, and the happier both of us will be.

So, two fast tips for you.

1.  Get enough sleep tonight.  Lay out your gear for tomorrow and have everything ready to go.  If you are going to have a little coffee or tea before the class, get your supplies ready.

2.  Plan your eating for tomorrow.  Protein and vegetables should be your choice if you are really working for fast fat loss and changes in your body.  Plan on having a quick protein drink right after your workout, or plan on eating a few eggs and some vegetables for breakfast.

That's it.  Just do those 2 things and you'll be on the right path.


New Boot Camp Class Begins Tomorrow (or Tonight for Tue/Thur class) by Stephen Cooper

A new Boot Camp Pasadena session begins tomorrow, or tonight if you are taking Marie's class.

I realize that the economy is tough, so I've reduced the boot camp session price by $15 for the 12 class camp. The original price was $175, and will now be $160.

Twice a week will be $112.

I hope this helps those of you who have been putting off training because the price was a little out of your budget.

If you've never attended one of our camps and would like to register, please fill out the pre training forms.  Once you've submitted those I will contact you to confirm your spot.

If you have any questions, please contact me via email,, or call (626) 609-7399.

Talk to you soon.

Getting Back on Track After Super Bowl Sunday by Stephen Cooper

So I've heard from many of my clients that there was a food and drink overload this weekend.

This morning is the time to recommit and to get right back on track.  

Do you put your own exercise time into your schedule?  Book it just like you would any other important appointment.

If you aren't sure what to do today, why not try out this...

High Intensity Sprint Workout

(You can do this workout outside on a track, in the hills, or inside on your favorite cardio machine.)

Warm up 2-4 minutes

Next sprint for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds.  If you are on a treadmill (one of the few times I would use a treadmill) then sprint for 20 seconds, hold the hand rails, jump your feet off of the moving belt to the sides of the treadmill, rest the 10 seconds (don't adjust the speed), and then jump right back on for another 20 seconds.

Repeat this 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest pattern 8 times then,

Cool down as necessary.

Why Do I Recommend Certain Supplements? by Stephen Cooper

Question from a client...   

"I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on why you recommend the supplements and products you mention in your posts, as well." Like coconut water... Good source of potassium?

In regards to the supplements that I recommend... 

When I was younger I basically tried or took about everything (as long as it was legal).  I was caught up in the marketing and was always looking for the next "miracle" to be stronger and leaner. 

What I've learned over the years is that real, wholesome food is the way to go.  I really try to stress this these days.  If people can't focus on just eating as close to natural, then it's always going to be an uphill battle.  Trying to add supplements or pills on top of a crappy diet is worthless. 

Having said that, I do take a few basic things. 

I usually use some type of protein powder supplement.  The two that I take are the Prograde product, and a simple whey powder from Whole Foods.  I suggest either one.  I know and trust the owner of Prograde so I like to promote his stuff.  I get a little bit of commission which is nice.  If it's easier just to pick some up from Whole Foods that's fine too. 

With my fish oil recommendation, having read quite a bit on the benefits I just take it as "insurance".  I know that I don't consume enough I take the supplement.

I drink the coconut water just becuase I like the taste of it, and also it reminds me of times that I spent in Brazil. 

Hope that helps.

Great Question from a Writer at Weight by Stephen Cooper

I just received this question from a writer at Weight,

"I'm currently working on an article about how to stay motivated (in this case, to stick with the program) once the initial excitement of weight loss has worn our readers can stay psyched up to continue losing weight once their motivation starts to wane."

My response...

Yep, that's a tough one...trying to stay motivated.

I think that there are a few points that keep clients motivated.


One, there has to be a strong heart felt goal deep down inside as to why the person is working out.  So many distractions hit us and it's easy to lose motivation, but if one remembers why he/she started their weight loss journey, I believe that it's easier to stick to the often challenging path.


Two, I think it's helpful to have a workout program that changes frequently.  There are many ways to do this...changing the intensity and duration of the same workout, or changing to a completely different type of exercise.  Let's say that one month the client is just lifting weights.  Next month she may try yoga.  The body is looking for a challenge...and the body composition change comes from changing up one's routine.  The body gets bored just like we do.  It isn't challenged and therefore the fat loss slows...and at the same time the client gets bored and loses motivation.  Double whammy!


Three, it's important to have an accountability partner.  Simply have someone who will keep you on track, to encourage you, to "push" you gently, and to provide some tough love.  This can be a coach/trainer, family member, or a friend.  You may want to add a little $ into the equation...meaning you'll tell your friend that for each workout you complete you'll add a dollar to a kitty...for each workout missed, you have to cough up a dollar.

New Accountability Help by Stephen Cooper

One of the biggest reasons you come to boot camp is to be held accountable.

I want to increase the accountably with your eating, training, sleep and recovery.

There are many ways that we can do this.  Many are pretty complex programs where you need to log in and add details of what you ate, hours you slept, etc.. I've often found that clients start off OK with these type of programs, but it becomes a hassle to go through many hoops when it is often just easier to email me.

Instead...if you are really committed to changing your body faster, I will encourage you to do these few things. 

  1. Snap a before picture of yourself. (Usually a picture from the front, side, and back are best.)
  2. Take your before measurements.  Simply take a tape measure and measure those areas that are most important to you...such as hips, waist, thighs, arms.  (If you have any questions about how to take these, just let me know.)
  3. Take your beginning weight.  As you know I don't stress weighing yourself as it is a poor way of knowing how much lean muscle you have compared to fat, but we'll still want to have this number.
  4. Email all of this to me on or before the first day of camp.


On training days snap a picture of each of the meals you eat. (You may want to do this more frequently, and that is fine with me.)  It's very simple these days.  Just snap a picture, and email it to me.  (Let me know if I can share the picture and recipe as this sharing will help everyone with food ideas.)

Also let me know how many hours you slept the night before, and if you made it to the boot camp session or if you did some type of training on your own.

Lastly let me know if you used your grid/foam roller for self massage, or if you actually got a massage.

We'll start with these.

This will demand some commitment on your part.  I am here to provide you all of the support you need.

New Boot Camp Class Begins Tomorrow (or Tonight for Tue/Thur class) by Stephen Cooper

I've been receiving a few questions as to the odd start day of this boot camp.

Because of New Years Day falling on a Monday this year we began the camp on a Wednesday, so we begin a new session on this Wednesday Feb 1.

If you are in the evening Tuesday and Thursday class with Marie, your new camp begins tonight on more of a regular schedule.

Hope that helps.

Each Monday is Your Chance to Start Off the Week Anew by Stephen Cooper

Stephen and wife this weekend.Your weekend may have been full of drinking and eating the "wrong" foods, so today (Monday) is a great day to get back on track.

Honestly splurging one day on the weekend is not going to hurt your fat loss progress...many experts even suggest that a "cheat day" helps with fat loss goals.

So I ask, "What will you do today to get back on track?"

Personally I am fasting today and have completed my workout.  How about you?

If you'd like a program where you just have to show up and follow our suggestions, my next boot camp begins Wednesday February 1.

Friday Fit Tips by Stephen Cooper

Happy Friday!

I thought that I'd post a few tips today.

Clients had asked me about a few things, so I thought I'd post them here to help everyone.

AC had asked me about modifying her boyfriend's eating plan and workout plan.  My suggestion for a quick "plan" is to check out Tim Ferriss' iPad app.  There is an eating plan as well as an exercise plan.  Many will say it's too simple...but simple works.

Here's the link to Tim's Four Hour Chef iPad app.

Next up, NF asked about tracking her calories with her iPhone.  My favorite app for that is put out by Daily Burn.

NF also asked about fat burning training zones and heart rate training and calculations.  Mike Michels is the expert whom I consult for heart rate questions.  He has a great program for calculating caloric needs and exercise needs.

You can check out Mike's site here.

Enjoy your weekend!

Want a Free Workout That Will Burn Fat and Shrink Your Fat Zones? by Stephen Cooper

Relaxing this weekend at Sequoia Park (note my son and wife in this pic.)

I'm going to give it to you.

Here is the exact workout that we did today at boot camp.  It's a combination of fat burning, core training, and a cardio workout too.

*Want to get more workouts like this via email?  Click here and I'll send them.

Warm up (note that each exercise is 60 seconds in duration, and are performed 1-2 times)

Seated cross legged hands on top of head...seated twist

Hula hoop hip rotations, 30 seconds one direction, 30 seconds in the opposite direction

Bodyweight squats

Standing leg swings, balance on one foot, while swinging the other leg forward and back


Training (Each exercise is done for 60 after two exercises.  Your rest period all depends on your level of fitness.  Think 15-60 seconds of rest.)

Close hand push ups...then go right to bodyweight squats

Skier swings (stand with kettlebells by sides and "swing" back like a skiing motion)...then right to plank

Overhead split squat...then right to burbees


Alternating biceps curls with kettlebells...then jumping jacks

Overhead triceps extension...then crunches

Suitcase deadlift (kettlebell in one hand, squat down and touch bottom of KB to ground)...then side plank



75 kettlebell deadlifts, then 75 jump ropes

75 walking lunges, then 75 total Turkish get ups

Cool down and stretches

Inner thigh stretches with partner

Once again, if you'd like to receive more free workouts like this, click here.

How Hard do You Want to be Pushed? by Stephen Cooper

Active Boot Campers

I'd like to hear from you...

How hard do you want to be pushed this session?

Let's say "1" is nothing...and "10" is Special Forces Drill Sergeant.

I know that many of you take the class for general health and there is a certain pace that goes along with this. For others who are looking to lose fat faster, or who have a very specific date in which to lose the pounds...I want to hear from you!

Email me directly.

Boot Campers, Get Ready to Bring It! by Stephen Cooper

A few things for those of you taking this camp.

  1. Get enough sleep tonight. You want the energy to give it your best tomorrow...and it is critical for fat loss that you get enough solid sleep.

  2. Take your before measurements. (If you have fat loss goals, then I can't stress enough how important it is that you do this.) Simple measurements with a tape measure. Record your waist at the belly button, hips/thighs for the ladies, and chest for the men. Record your beginning scale weight too.

  3. Have lean proteins, vegetabes, and some healthy fats in your house and fridge. Get rid of the junk.

AM Campers-


You may want to have a little coffee, and possibly a simple protein shake (20-30 grams) before your workout. You may have to experiment with what feels right in your stomach.

After your workout you'll want to have a meal consisting of proteins and be ready.

You'll repeat this having two more meals during the day consisting of the same.

Drink plenty of water.

PM Campers-

You'll use the same meal plan eating 2-3 meals before boot camp. You could even get in the habit of drinking a protein shake as described above. You'll want to drink this within 30 minutes of waking up.

Experiment with the timing of a pre boot camp meal. You may need to see what size portion sits well in your stomach.

After the PM class, you'll want to be ready to eat one more meal of the same combination mentioned above.

All classes-

Set aside some time in the evening to roll with your foam roller or the grid. You'll recover faster, and you may be less sore.


By all means shoot me your questions. You can post them here in the comments, or email me directly.

Let's do this!

2012 Boot Camp Begins by Stephen Cooper

Welcome to 2012.

If you over did it during the holidays and need to burn off the chub, then I'd love to see you in our next boot camp.

Marie's Tuesday and Thursday evening class begins tonight at 6, and my classes begin tomorrow.

The best way to register is to email me at