Information Overload
I've been struggling a lot lately with this. Tons of emails, messages from Facebook, Twitter, etc.. It's really distracted me from what I do best...which is developing programs and helping you with your specific situation.
I'm working on how best to provide you with results, and a lot of this other stuff is really getting in the way.
This means that I will be streamlining some things which may affect you.
A few things that will happen right away is that I won't be responding to direct messages on Facebook or Twitter. I will be monitoring the boot camp page and will be posting updates (automatically), but I may not see your message there.
I will not be monitoring Twitter at all, but once again auto posts will be there.
Contacting Me
The best way to contact me is via email at: Stephen(at) I see email first, and during regular business hours 6a-5p, Monday - Friday. I will try to respond as quickly as possible.
Calling me
For clients, you should have my cel phone number. Once again you are always welcome to call me during those hours above. If for some reason you don't have it just let me know and I'll gladly give it to you.
For people hoping to join the boot camp, please call (626) 609-7399, which is my voice mail.
Contacting me here on the blog
This is a great option, and one that will help a lot of people. If you can share your questions here in the comment sections, your other boot campers will learn too. I receive your comments via an email alert so I am usually quick to respond.
Best Place to Receive Updates
I know that many of you have been asking me about rain updates etc.. I will post all updates here on this boot camp blog page: Check here first. I can send updates to this page via my phone, but I can't email or call every individual. Just in case...rain does not cancel morning sessions as we have use of the hall. Rain shouldn't cancel evening sessions either, but dress appropriately as we often have to scramble for covering.
A Change in Billing by 2011
By next year I hope to implement a better system of payments. I like to be as fair and flexible as possible, but lately this too has gotten out of hand. I say this not to be an ass and I hope that you don't take it that way...I'm just trying to focus on helping you, and I can't do that by being a bill collector/bookkeeper.
Minimizing Distractions
One of the most important parts of my business is being very truthful with you. I like to practice what I preach. If I preach balance, clean eating, good sleep, etc., I want you to be sure that's how I'm living my life. These past couple of months have not been in line with this, so that's why I'm changing a few things.
I truly believe that life is too important and too short not to be lived as we design it. I know that I'm a lot happier when I live in this manner.
I hope that these changes will benefit you too.
I'm learning and experimenting all the time, and I'll share with you what I learn.

Important Vacation Updates
Thanksgiving Break
No sessions November 22 - 26
Christmas Break
No sessions December 18 - Jan 2
New Sessions will begin on January 3, 2011