How to Permanently Keep the Fat Off, Even if You’ve Tried Everything! by Stephen Cooper

Skateboarding works too to keep off the fat.

While many trainers spout simple and "too good to be true" claims on how to lose fat, I'd rather give you the tools and education on how to permanently keep the fat off.

As you begin 2012 make this your year that you don't fall for any more scams, and instead try these proven techniques that have worked for my clients.

Step #1  Forget About Setting Goals

Before you throw a fit, let me explain...  So often we've been told to set specific and measurable goals when it comes to fat loss.  Think about it.  How can you or I predict how many pounds we are going to lose be a certain date.  It's like coming up with a winning lottery number.  Are you going to be able to guess how many pounds of fat you'll lose and how many pounds of muscle you'll build in return?  I don't think so.

Here's a Better Method...

Let's say you want to fit in to a smaller dress size.  Let's say you are a size 10, and you want to get down to a size 8 or 6.

Start by taking a picture of yourself.  You may want to take some simple measurements with a tape measure...waist and thighs will do.

Next, rather than saying "I will be a size 6 and lose 20 pounds by "Date X", focus on the steps you need to take.

You know that you'll need to train at least 4-5 times per week.  At the beginning of the week, schedule those workouts into your calendar.

Step #2  Track Your Efforts

You've scheduled your training sessions, and now you'll need to track your efforts.  Simply put, you'll need to hold yourself accountable.  

Don't make this a complex process.  I like to use a graph paper notebook and as I complete my workouts during the week I simply make a little checkmark when the workout has been completed.  The more simple the system the better. Do this in your journal or wherever is the easiest.

You should be able to see on a day to day basis, weekly, and the entire month...your checklist of workouts completed. You may want to give yourself a grade for the week and the month.  

Are your actions leading you closer to your goal?  Are you completing the workouts?

If not, don't get down on yourself, just get back to training. Don't wait another day to "raise your grade".

Step #3  Track Your Eating

Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to track every calorie.  I think this a miserable way to live life, and I won't ask you to do it either.

Instead, use a similar checklist like the one above.  Simply write down your daily plan such as "eat 2 fruits", eat 3-4 portions of vegetables, and "drink 6-8 glasses of water".  

These are just a few examples, you may have more specific routines such as "eating 3-5 low carb meals", or "eating 90% Paleo based meals".

Use the same method as above and give yourself a grade.  

Step #3  Track Your Sleeping

More and more, I see my clients suffering from a lack of sleep...especially my female clients.  If you do not get enough deep and solid will not lose weight.

Simply write down how many hours of sleep per night you are getting and grade yourself.  How many hours of sleep you'll need will vary, but if you are waking up groggy and cranky...then you need more sleep.

Step #4  Review and Improve...probably the most important step

Now you have a good overview with what is going on.

Do you need to improve in one area, two areas?  Simply put in the effort and make adjustments.

Have you put in the workouts, been eating well, and sleeping well, but not seeing the results you desire?  It may be time to talk to a trainer, registered dietitian, or your physician to get some more advice or tips.


Creating permanent fat loss is definitely possible. You just have to be patient and gentle with yourself. If you follow the four steps I talked about above, you’ll be seeing improvements soon.

What other steps do you use to permanently keep the fat off?


Holiday Schedule by Stephen Cooper

Friday, December 23 - regular schedule of classes

Monday, Wednesday, Friday December 26, 28, 30 - regular schedule of classes  (Tues & Thur) regular schedule

Monday Jan 2 NO CLASSES

Tuesday Jan 3, twice a week camp begins

Wednesday Jan 4, 3 day per week camp begins


Happy Friday by Stephen Cooper

Happy Friday boot campers.

A big shout out and congratulations to those who made it to all 3 sessions this week, 100% attendance.

(Morning crew)













Evening crew

 Only Sofia & LaLainne



Wisdom from Seth Godin by Stephen Cooper

This comes directly from the blog of Seth Godin.  The wisdom in this is right on target.

No choice

"I had no choice, I just couldn't get out of bed."

"I had no choice, it was the best program I could get into."

"I had no choice, he told me to do it..."


It's probably more accurate to say, "the short-term benefit/satisfaction/risk avoidance was a lot higher than anything else, so I chose to do what I did."

Remarkable work often comes from making choices when everyone else feels as though there is no choice. Difficult choices involve painful sacrifices, advance planning or just plain guts.

Saying you have no choice cuts off all options, absolves responsibility and is the dream killer.

5K Run This Weekend by Stephen Cooper

A special update from Marie...

After 8 long weeks of training, our 5K Running Group is ready to face the Santa Monica-Venice Christmas Run on Saturday, December 10th! 22 people started the training back in October as we began running just under 1 mile. Now here we are, 8 weeks later, and 12 people should feel proud to say they stuck with it and finished the whole training program! In this final week, all runners completed their goal of 3.1 miles and EVERYONE finished in under 45 minutes! For most participants, this was their very first time attempt to run at all. Their patience, determination, and dedication paid off! 

I cannot say how proud I am of these finishers...just like any other program (whether for exercise, diet, or anything else), it is hard to stay committed and actually finish. We lost almost half of our runners as the weather got colder, the evenings got darker, and the holidays approached. As our numbers dwindled down, I realized that there really is one defining element to being successful in reaching a goal: COMMITMENT! There was no reason (or excuse) that held these runners back from finishing. We dressed warmer, used flashlights, stayed in groups, and kept running...Congratulations to each and every one of them!!!!

Monday, Will We Have Power? by Stephen Cooper

(Computer and Internet powered by this little guy.)

Our boot camp location has been without power over the weekend, so I'm not certain if we'll have light for tomorrow's class.

I will be going down tonight when it gets dark, and will post an update then.

No Boot Camp Friday by Stephen Cooper

Sorry boot camp classes today. The school (and me too) still are without power, so it will be too dark to train.

I'm also without power and Internet, so I may be slow in responding to online stuff.

Enjoy your weekend, and see you Monday.

Happy Birthday to Marie today !

Last Boot Camp Session for 2011 Begins December 5 by Stephen Cooper

Morning workout at Boot Camp Pasadena

Seems hard to believe but December is just a few days away, and our last boot camp for 2011 begins December 5.  (Camp is Dec 5 - Dec 30.)

The morning classes have been quite full, so I'm expecting that there will only be a few openings for new clients. (I'm estimating about 5 spaces.)   Secure your spot soon.

I really believe that exercising is one of the best things you can do during the busy holiday season.  With all of the extra "goodies" that you might be eating, and the stress that comes with the holidays, you'll want to take time to take care of yourself.

Best way to secure your spot is to email me at,

P.S.  I'm working on the calendar for 2012.

Happy Thanksgiving by Stephen Cooper

Three quick things for this Thanksgiving... 

First, a big thank you to my clients present and past.  It's you who allows me to make a living doing what I love. I cannot thank you enough. 

Second, I hope that this Thanksgiving finds you in excellent health.  Now more than ever there seems to be a lot that we cannot control...but one area in which you can take control, is your health.  No one is going to wake up early for you and exercise.  No one is going to make you eat the healthy foods that you know you must eat to be at your best.  No more excuses...take care of you. 

Third,  eat what you like this Thanksgiving.  It really bugs me when I see low fat or low sugar substitutes  during the holiday season.  Eat your favorite goodies.  Enjoy traditional family meals.  One day is not going to ruin your health or your's the other six days of this week that you must focus on. 



P.S.  For those in my boot camps... No class on Thursday, but regular classes on Friday.

Four Simple Habits That Will Help You Lose Fat by Stephen Cooper

Morning Fitness Conference in San DiegoMost of my boot camp clients come to me to lose fat and tone up.  If you want the inside scoop on fat loss, I encourage you to read on...

Last week I had the exclusive opportunity to be on a phone call with my mentor, Todd Durkin, and super nutrition guy, Dr. John Berardi.  I won't bore you with their credentials...but they are biggies when it comes to the fitness industry.

Four Habits for Fat Loss

Dr. Berardi spoke of four simple, yet I believe very helpful habits which will help you to lose fat and keep it off.

1.  Add fish oil and a multi-vitamin to your diet.  He spoke of filling any "nutrient deficiencies", and considered these an insurance policy on getting the basics covered.  I always suggest that eating whole foods is best, but like you and I both know, we don't often eat the wide variety of foods that we should.

2.  Slow down your eating.  I admit, I am terrible at this.  My wife really bugs me about how fast I eat.  One lesson that I learned in Buddhism which is very helpful is to bring your hands into the meditation position, (left hand resting in right hand with your thumbs touching lightly)...once you have your hands in place you take 3 slow breaths inhaling and exhaling.  You spend these breaths contemplating the effort and the people who made it possible for you to eat the food before you.  Next you visualize the health and benefits of the food for you and those sitting around you.  Simple, yet powerful I believe.

I might add to this the tip I received from Dr. Kara Mohr on making the dinning experience one without technology.  (This one I've got nailed phone, no texting, etc. at the table.)

3.  Eat to 80% Fullness  As you eat mindfully and slowly your brain has a chance to register that it is becoming full.  When you eat to 80% fullness you eat less calories...and behold, less weight gained.

4.  Eat Protein at Every Meal  I won't go in to the idea of "nutrient timing" here, but there is more and more research that the timing and combinations of protein, carbohydrates, and fats have a dramatic impact on fat loss. For now, just keep in mind to eat some protein with each meal.


If you follow these tips you will be well on your way to a leaner and more healthy body.  If you are follow the habits above and you'll see great results.

Do you know of or use any other habits that help you to lose fat?

Honesty, and Client Questions by Stephen Cooper

I received a client's question on changing her diet.  Here is part of my response...

"Honestly I'm 46 and I've tried so many "diets", pills, potions, etc., to get lean and muscular. 

There are no shortcuts, none.  I would have discovered them by now.

What I do know that does work is eating the basics.  Lean proteins, fish, chicken, vegetables, some fruit, some nuts/seeds, and healthy fats/oils.  If you eat a combination of these at each meal you should feel full and "fueled" for your training. 

Sleep is a biggie!

So many of my female clients struggle with sleep issues.  Too much worrying and the brain doesn't shut off.  Make sleep a priority.  Get in the habit of shutting off the electronics and preparing for sleep.  Turn off the computers, cel phones, iPads, laptops, etc..  Take a warm bath and slow down...maybe drink some comforting tea too."

Behind the Scenes, For Active Boot Camp Clients Only by Stephen Cooper

Behind the scenes... 

Do you sometimes wonder what I do with all of my spare time? 

I know you're thinking that guy only works in the morning and evening on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...what does he do the rest of the time? 

Well tomorrow I'll be on a private call with nutrition expert, Dr John Berardi,  and my coach and mentor, Toddy Durkin, 

Todd will be picking John's brain on the latest in fat loss and nutrition. 

Here is your chance to have your question answered by the experts. 

If you have a burning question that I haven't answered for you please email me tonight or by early tomorrow.  I will do my best to ask the experts and get back to you. 

Have a great day,


P.S.  Please note this is for active boot camp clients only.

One Thing Well by Stephen Cooper

Japanese Calligraphy by Eri Takase

There is an elegance and beauty when someone does one thing well, isn't there?

Years ago I sought out someone to create some Japanese calligraphy for me.  I searched and searched the internet and came across Eri Takase.  I looked over her work, and her videos, and was blown away by her elegance and mastery of her craft.

No hype, no outlandish sales tactics, just beauty.

Kramer Knife

$2400 for a Chef's Knife

And then there's Bob Kramer, master blade smith.  There is a waiting list of at least 14 months just to buy one of his hand crafted, custom made knives.  Beautiful creations from spending focused time, and hours and hours of practice.

And Health and Fat Loss?

Can we master fat loss, and optimal health?  I think so.  But it does take focus, discipline, education, and hours of practice and training.  It also takes the ability to cut out distractions.

My Tips For You

Remove distractions.  Focus on your goals.  Be relentless.  Don't let anyone or anything get in your way.  Be consistent.  Don't put off exercising, do it now.

Are you Stressed Out? by Stephen Cooper

"Stressed Out"

That's what I hear from friends, clients, and family. 

The turmoil that is around us just seems to be mounting, and people are stressed out like never before.  So many are facing very serious challenges.   

Loss of jobs, increasing pressure from employers to work longer, harder, and the expectation to be connected to work at all hours. 

As I spent last weekend in San Diego visiting my daughter at college, I stepped out of the stress circle and it gave me time to clarify a few things. 

When I first started lifting weights, now over 33 years ago, I can say that it was a great relief from stress.  At that time I was dealing with crappy stuff at home, plus as I trained my mind and body became stronger.  I felt better about myself. 

These days when I train I do so for a few reasons.  One of course is vanity.  I want to look strong and fit.  Second, along with practicing jiu jitsu there is this feeling that I want to have to power to quickly destroy someone if they mess with me or my family.  (This may sound a little harsh to some, and as most of you know I have never been in a fight, and I intend to keep it that way...but the feeling and instinct is still there.) 

The last reason is that I want to be as fit and as healthy as possible to spend time with my family and those that I love. 

In spending that time in San Diego at the beach with my family, seeing my daughter struggle with her first semester of college, it became crystal clear why I want to be fit.  I want to be here as long as possible, and as strong as possible, in order to experience everything there is to with my family. 

So why do you exercise? 

Exercise is one of the best ways to deal with stress. are competing with the world now.  Shouldn't' you be strong for your family and yourself? 

Exercise is one thing you have control over.  Of course I'd love for you to train with us at my boot camp...but do whatever it takes to take care of you.

Are you taking the easy way out?  Are you settling for less than your best?  Don't. 

Your life depends on this.  Don't let another day pass you by without exercising and taking charge of your health. 

