Introducing FitRanx by Stephen Cooper

Some time back when I was doing jiu jitsu I was thinking that it would be nice to somehow "test" clients and award fitness levels similar to the belt ranking system in martial arts.  You know, beginner starts with a white belt, and as training and experience increases so does their belt level and color.

Well, someone has created just a system of "testing" and awarding a colored band upon completion of the tests. The system is called FitRanx.

Yesterday I had Christa and Shea (in the pic above) try out the Level 1 Test.  They both passed, and it gave me a good idea to the difficulty of the test.

Starting today I will be offering the "test" to any current boot camper.  I can give you the specifics so you know if you are up to the challenge.

*A big point here.  This is to challenge yourself.  This is not a contest against anyone, and the tests are completely optional.

The tests are designed depending on gender and age.

If you have more questions, please contact me.

I see this as a way to see where you are at, and to encourage you to keep striving for your best.

Shake and Paint by Stephen Cooper

Morning get up and go breakfast shake. Water, protein powder, big handful spinach, frozen acai.  (Clients sometimes ask where can they buy frozen acai in Pasadena...I usually get Sambazon frozen acai at Whole Foods.) 


Some clients have asked me to post our workouts.  Here is the link to yesterday's workout.


We have a very fun event planned for Friday April 5 from 8 pm - 10:30 pm. 

We will be meeting at Paint The Town in San Marino.  There, we will have the whole place to ourselves.

Each person will get to select one studio painting and the instructor will walk you through the painting process, step by step. (Don't look to me for any tips or pointers...and no laughing at my lack of painting skills).  You can change colors, backgrounds and add whatever creative things you want. 

Don't worry if you have never painted before...

Please bring wine or your favorite beverage, and some healthy snacks if you like.

The cost is $25 per person.  Please confirm your space with me soon so that we can plan on supplies.


April 1, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Boot Camp Begins

April 2, Tuesday/Thursday Camp Begins

April 5, Paint The Town Party in San Marino


What Will You Do This Weekend to Stay Fit? by Stephen Cooper

You may attend boot camp classes with me during the week, but what activities do you do over your weekend to keep yourself on track?

For those of us who are lucky to live in the Pasadena area, our weather provides so many opportunities to get outside and take advantage.

One of the best activities is to just get out and walk.  This is a great time to encourage your family to be part of your healthy life, you may be doing them a huge favor by getting them up and moving.  One of our favorite activities is going on the stair walks from the book, Secret Stairs: A Walking Guide to the Historic Staircases of Los Angeles by Charles Fleming. 

When I'm crunched for time, I knock out a simple jump rope workout.  I will set my timer on my phone for 20 minutes, and have it notify me every 30 seconds.  For 30 seconds I'll jump rope, then for 30 seconds I'll "recover" with squats.  I'll repeat this pattern for the entire 20 minutes.

There are two weekend options for you.

What else do you like to do over your weekend to stay fit?


Tips for Your First Week at Boot Camp by Stephen Cooper

Typical DinnerI often feel that there is a lot I would like to tell you when you first join my boot camp. There are many tips that I have from past experience which I believe can help.  Today I'll just discuss a few.

Modifying Eating

For your first week cut out all liquids except for coffee, tea, and water.  Try to drink one icy cold glass of water with 30 grams of protein powder within 30 minutes of waking up.

Remove all sweets/sugar from your diet.

Add vegetables to at least 3 meals/snacks per day.

Eat some form of animal protein (eggs, chicken, fish, meat) at least twice a day.

Consider supplementing your diet with fish oil.

Get in the Habit by Stephen Cooper

With some new clients getting ready to start the next boot camp this Friday, I'm always trying to figure out any important tips that I can pass along to them.

The biggest one that comes to mind today is the importance of creating and keeping the habit of exercising. 

I've found two things that have helped me to create and sustain some habits.
They are both free.  
BJ Fogg, PhD
The first is a "course" conducted by BJ Fogg of Stanford.  Here is the link, 
The second is the Lift app for the iPhone, link
Once again I don't have any financial gain in passing these along to you...just a FYI.


New 4-Week Fat Loss Challenge Starts Feb 1 by Stephen Cooper

I’m holding a 4-week fat loss competition, starting February 1, 2013 to March 1, 2013.  

Over my years as a trainer I've seen two important areas which help people lose fat and keep it off.  One is the creation and tracking of "small habits", and the other is having a definite reason to get the weight off...(losing or gaining money) in this case.

For this competition I will be posting specific tips and suggestions on how to create, and most importantly keep going with the small habits that lead to long lasting fat loss.  Plus I will be giving you eating and nutrition strategies that have proven over and over again in helping clients to lose bodyfat.

This competition will be held here at DietBet.  

On DietBet, players each add $40 to the pot, and the total is divided up among the “winners” at the end of the game. DietBetting is not winner-take-all like The Biggest Loser. Everyone who loses at least 4% of their starting weight will get an equal share of the pot. DietBet supplies referees to verify weights using a photo-based weigh-in process.  

As an added incentive, the person who has the most impressive transformation, captured by both measurements and photos will receive $100 off their next boot camp. 

How to measure bodyfat?

I’d prefer that you use the most accurate tools, such as the below. Many of the above can be found at high-end gyms or nearby hospitals. No matter what, you must use the same tool (and ideally the same person) for your “before,” progress, and “after” measurements. 

Bod Pod

DEXA or DXA (pay per session)

Hydrostatic weighing (dunk tank) (pay per session)

I will have a hand held fat loss analyzer available too.

How to measure inches?

Get a simple tape measure and measure four locations: both upper arms (mid-bicep), waist (horizontal at navel), hips (at widest point below waist), and both legs (mid-thigh). Total these numbers to arrive at your Total Inches (TI). Changes in this total will be meaningful enough to track.

Take good "before" pictures (front, side, back) and weekly progress pictures.

How to track your habits? 

If you have an iPhone, I recommend using the Lift app for motivation and tracking your small habits.  It's only available for iPhone, but look on their site to be notified about the Android option.  I will be suggesting the habits to add in an upcoming article.

You are not alone

To anyone who joins this competition I will be available to answer your questions via email.  I may also create a separate group site where everyone can join in and interact.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up here and let’s see what you can do among supportive competitors.

I bet it's more than you think. See you in four weeks!



Feb 1, 4-Week Fat Loss Challenge Begins

Feb 1, Monday, Wednesday Friday Boot Camp Begins

Feb 5, Tuesday/Thursday Boot Camp Begins

Vacation Workouts by Stephen Cooper

Workout #1

Equipment needed: kettlebells

Warm up

1. seal jacks

2. double pump, front/front-back/back

3. squat reach ups

4. sumo squat, slow gripping ankles


5. one arm standing pull

6. holding lunge rotate twist with kb

7. hips up with chest press

8. prone golf ball exchange, chest and quads up

9. hips up squeeze glutes/abs and hold

10. same but with arms extended

11. same but with both arms up, and one leg marches

12. reverse planks with alternating knees in

13. kneeling biceps curl with press

14. goblet squats

15.  TGU

16. legs straight and hold up

17. farmer's walk/heavy

18. log hops

19. seated twists

20. standing interlock fingers side bend

Workout #2


Equipment needed: Sand Bell, medicine ball, timer  (you may substitute dumbbell for the sandbell)


Warm up
1. Cat hunch
2. Thread the needle
3. "W" raises
4. Bird dogs
5. Jumping jack
6. Rotation slams with med ball
7. Plank flips with sand bell
8. Crunch ups with med ball
9. Reverse crunches with sand bell between knees
10. Pop ups and press, one round with med ball, one round with sand bell
12. Foot taps on med ball
13. Hip ups while gripping sand bell with thighs
14. Pikes, one round with med ball, one round with sand bell
16. Wood chops with med ball
17. Flip swings with sand bell
18. Squat jump and press with med ball
19. Push ups on med ball
20. Figure 8 pass through legs with sand bell
Workout #3

Equipment needed: None, bodyweight only

Time intervals: 1:30

Warm ups

1. Skaters

2. Elbow circles

3. Squat jumps

4. Frog hops

5. Bridges


6. Diamond push ups

7. Straight legs heel on toe full crunch

8. One leg pistol

9.  Wide push up

10. V sit hold 5 seconds, then 5 jumping jacks

11. Squat jump 5x, Seal jack 5x

12. Seated twist

13. Jackknife 

14. Butt blaster

15. Inverted hand press

16. Slow 15 second squats

Workout #4 


Equipment needed: Sandbell or kettle bell


Warm up:
1. Walking lung with overhand bend (R leg, R bend)
2. Walking alternate quad stretch
3. Stationary alternate deadlift/hamstring arm reach out front
4. Lateral lunge with body twist
6. Single leg squat (back knew touches)
7. Sprawls with side leg lift
8.  Triceps dips
9.  Feet stacked crunch
10.  Back leg on bench lunge
11.  Push up position, then alternate arm reach
12.  Low jacks (half squat position)
13.  Push up position, then scorpions
14.  Shin grabs
15.  Side step ups (high knee)
16.  Push up with 10x alternate knee ins
17.  Partner eccentric fire hydrants (5 sec iso hold)
18.  Big mountain climbers (toes to hands)
19.  Close feet squat
20.  Push up with knee tuck
21. Sand bell crunch up pullover and twist back



 Workout #5

 Equipment needed, kettlebell or bell

Warm up as needed.

Start with 5 ketttlebell swings on the first minute

then move on to 6 kettlebell swings in the second minute

then 7 swings...keep increasing the number of swings until you reach 20 swings in one minute

Cool down as necessary.

Calendar Reminder for The Rest of 2012 by Stephen Cooper

Just wanted to remind and update you all.

Regular class days and times this week, except for Thanksgiving Day which there will be no classes.  

Personally, I be spending Thanksgiving at an Indian friend's house.  She's a great cook and we'll be having a combination of Indian and typical Thanksgiving Day food.

Last Boot Camp for 2012 by Stephen Cooper

Morning clients at Boot Camp PasadenaHard to believe but the last boot camp session begins this Friday, November 16, and runs till December 17.  The last camp of 2012 will be 14 classes.  (Our regular camps last 12 classes.)

Classes meet in the morning from 5:45 am to 6:30 am, or in the evening from 6:00 pm to 6:45.

Cost is $192 for the 14 classes.

Contact me via email to secure your spot.

Do you spend at least 90 minutes a week investing in your health? by Stephen Cooper

Do you spend at least 90 minutes a week investing in your health?
Think about it.
You know that it's important to exercise and eat well, but are you devoting enough effort and time for yourself?
Tonight you could join me for our latest boot camp.  Let me do the programming and planning. You just need to show up.
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Times: 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Cost is $117 for the 8 class camp

4 Week Boot Camp Begins Tomorrow (Wed) by Stephen Cooper

Me and the family walking the "secret stairs" of Pasadena

My next 4 week boot camp begins tomorrow.  If you are interested in the morning session (5:45 a.m - 6:30 a.m.) don't delay in contacting there are only about 3-5 openings.  There are more openings for the evening class. (6-6:45 p.m.)

I'll be guiding these small groups on the path to fat loss, toning, and better health.  Classes are small enough so that I can keep my eyes on you and you'll get a lot of personal attention.

Clients who have participated in previous camps have found that they have lost weight, increased their energy, and are better able to cope with their everyday stresses of life.

The format:  We start with warm ups for 5-8 minutes to get the body moving, then we move on to the "fun" stuff.  At least I think it's fun...some clients have told me it's pretty hard work. For the next 35-40 minutes, we may use kettlebells, sandbells, body weight, TRX's, and our partners to create the appropriate challenges for you.  You'll get the support of your fellow boot campers plus my help.

Depending on your goals, you will receive diet instruction and exercises to do on your off days from boot camp.

We only have a few more camps till Christmas break.  Now that the weather is cooling down, it's a great time to join us.  I encourage you to challenge yourself to bump up your exercise.

Our world is only going to get more stressful, so I encourage you to make the time for yourself so that you will be as healthy as possible and ready to compete.

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Times: AM camp 5:45 a.m. to 6:30 a.m
           PM  camp 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.

Cost is $177 for the 12 class camp

If you have any questions, drop me a line.


P.S.  Current boot camp clients please confirm if you will be continuing in this camp.  (Your old boot camp rate applies.)

3 of My Favorite (Paleo and Gluten Free) Resources for Back to School Lunch Ideas by Stephen Cooper

Back to School Lunch Courtesy Nom Nom Paleo

I admit, I am a really lame cook, but having a son in 8th grade, and wanting to provide him the best meals available, I've searched around and found some great resources for me and for you.

Resource #1: Carrie Vitt's Deliciously Organic  This mom of two, and wife provides tons of great recipes using organic, unprocessed ingredients.

Resource #2: Sarah Fragoso's Everyday Paleo  Sarah has excellent recipes and 3 books about Paleo cooking.   I love the pictures and easy steps provides for her easy to follow recipes.

Resource #3:  Michelle Tam's Nom Nom Paleo  Mouthwatering photos and recipes here.  These will really inspire you to get cooking.  Check out her 5 Part Series of Paleo School Lunches, and she has a sweet Paleo cookbook app for the iPad.

Tuesday/Thursday Boot Camp Begins Tonight by Stephen Cooper

Did the Olympics inspire you? 

One of the reasons I became a trainer is my fascination with the human potential. Each contest in the Olympics displays the beauty and possibilities that our bodies can provide.   

We all look at the athletes and are amazed at what they can accomplish.  When watching them do you wonder what you could really accomplish if you trained a little more consistently?  Or tweaked your eating up a notch or two?   

Look at how the Olympic athletes respond to training.  Most of us won't reach their level, but I am certain that each one of us can improve in our own, possibly small ways. 

It was refreshing to hear from the athletes that quite often they really detested their physical training...but that their coaches coaxed them along...and that all of their hard work has paid off. 

You and I won't be competing against any Olympic athletes, but our challenges are real and we face many stressful demands in our lives.

If you need more consistency with your fitness and some coaching, join us for our next boot camp. 

Tonight we begin the twice a week option...and on Monday we begin the 3 day per week option. 

The cost for 8 classes is $115.

The cost for the 12 class camp is $165 

Contact me to secure your spot.

I've got a question for you by Stephen Cooper

In thinking about this past weekend, did your fitness level help you in your activities...or were you somewhat frustrated because your lack of fitness limited you?

For myself, one of the main reasons I exercise is so that I can do whatever physical things I want to do over the weekend.  If it's hiking with my family, then I know that I can count on my body to carry me without too much effort.

Maybe it's swimming and body surfing at the beach.  I still have that confidence that my body is strong and that it will support my mind when it comes to challenging the waves.

How about you?

Did you get to do the fun and challenging things that you wanted to?  Or do you need to turn up the training to get more from life?

I'm curious to hear from you.  Let me know in the comments.

How to work up to doing a "real" push up. by Stephen Cooper

(Make sure you turn your audio up, sorry it's quite low.)

You may be frustrated when you try to do push ups.  I know especially for new boot campers it is quite frustrating.  You always think like you should be able to do more, but the body doesn't quite seem to cooperate.

My suggestion as in this video is to use a simple stability ball.

You can begin at the very easy level by resting on the ball at about waist level.  As you get stronger and your balance improves scoot the ball out towards your toes.  Eventually you'll be able to do a push up with only the toes of one foot on the ball.  (I'll do another video of that one after my triceps recover.)

Try it out and let me know how it goes