Client Openings by Stephen Cooper

Evening boot campers

The next Monday Wednesday Friday boot camp session begins on Monday July 23.

Space is limited for the AM class. (5:45 am - 6:30 pm)

More spaces are available for the PM class.  (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm)


Space is also avail in the Tuesday/Thursday evening class. (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm)

Contact me with questions or to sign up.

If You Miss a Workout by Stephen Cooper

I just sent this note to a client who will be missing a class.  Have a look as it will help you too. 

I hope that your weekend went well.  

C...... mentioned that you will miss tomorrow's workout so I wanted to remind you... 

This whole weight loss thing is like a pie.  The pieces are: sleep, training, and eating.  If one of these areas is overlooked the whole pie suffers. 

So in that you are going to miss a class, make sure that you sleep well and eat well.  These are areas that you can  make them count.



Next Tuesday/Thursday boot camp session begins tomorrow, July 17.


"Do From Home" Workout for 4th of July by Stephen Cooper

Do some type of sufficient warm up for 5-8 minutes.  This could be any exercises like arm swings, squats, lunges, etc..


45 sec of push ups
45 sec of jump squats
hold side plank (ALAP)  as long as possible
Repeat 3 times
Rest 60-90 seconds

45 sec. of handstand push ups
45 sec. of crunches with both knees to one side
hold extended plank (ALAP)
Do as many prone frog mountain climbers as possible (This is the one where your hands are at the end of your mat and you jump both feet in by hands and then out ¾ of the way to full leg extension.)
45 seconds of squats (drop down in one second, then raise up counting to 4)
Repeat 2-3 times

You are done :)

What Did You Think About The New Core Exercises We Did This Morning? by Stephen Cooper

New Core Exercises at Boot Camp PasadenaI'm curious to hear your feedback about the new core exercises we did in this mornings boot camp.

As your coach and trainer, I'm always reading up on what is the best way to help it burning fat, toning your body, all the while improving your health and performance.  The two new core exercises we did today will definitely help you on your path.

By the way...I still have spaces available for you if you'd like to join us.

For Those Choosing the More "Extreme" Eating Plan, I'll Need to Know... by Stephen Cooper

If you are a current boot camper and have chosen more "extreme" eating plan, I'll need to know which day you'd like to designate as your "cheat" day.

Most people choose Fri, Sat, or Sunday.  On this day you'll be allowed to eat pretty much anything you want.

Please notify me via email with your choice, this way I can plan the rest of your week, and then send you more details.

P.S.  I will join you in the Extreme plan and will report in on my progress. 

Living and Learning by Stephen Cooper

Living and Learning...

A few weeks ago I went camping with my family up along the California Coast (San Simeon up by Hearst's Castle to be exact).

San Simeon, CA

San Simeon, CA

Normally I'm a very active guy and I look forward to adventures such as this, but this time was a little different.

For the past 2 and half years I've been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  It's been a blast for the most part...but there have been some serious injuries.

The small injuries such as two broken fingers and two broken toes healed pretty fast.

A torn medial meniscus meant a bigger inconvenience, missed workouts and the cost and time dealing with surgery.

Now I have some type of nerve damage in my neck. (Came by way of some big guy rolling on top of me and bending my neck into a bad position.)

So for the past two months I haven't been training because of the pain in my neck and arm.  (If you are wondering, yes I just had an MRI yesterday, going for an EMG soon, all the time talking with my ortho doc.)

I share this with you as it is a real reminder of just how important our health is.

In all the years that I've been working out, meaning weight training...I've rarely gotten injured.  Remember that I began working out at about 13 years old, and I'm 46 lot's of time training.  Sure some muscle soreness or joint issues that lasted a day or so...but never anything like I've experienced doing the jiu jitsu.

So what's my point?

Find some method of exercise that will keep you feeling and performing your best.  Exercise to get rid of the unhealthy fat and to prevent the many diseases that you and I both know are helped with exercise.  Exercise to reduce your stress and to brighten your mood.  Exercise to be a better parent, mom/dad, etc..

If my boot camp classes are a good fit for you, we begin brand new session tomorrow. (June 22)

Cost is $165 for twelve, 45 minute classes.

We meet MWF from 5:45-6:30a, or 6-6:45p

Contact me for any questions or to secure your spot.


P.S.  Current clients please confirm with me if you will be continuing or not.  Thanks.

Tuesday/Thursday Boot Camp Begins Tonight by Stephen Cooper

My Tuesday and Thursday evening boot camp begins tonight.

If you haven't decided which eating plan you will be using for this camp, please have a look at the choices here.

For those of you who have already registered I will be sending out specific "to-do's" very soon.


Simple tip for today- What's one thing you can eliminate today which will bring you closer to your goal of better health and more fat loss?

Let me know your answers here in the comments, Facebook, Google+, or wherever you like.

New Eating Plans For Our Next Boot Camp Session by Stephen Cooper

My own workout "tools".

All of the time I am reviewing resources that relate to fat loss, performance, and better health.  I am fascinated by this stuff so it’s fun for me to search out information both for myself, and for you.

For this upcoming camp I want to offer two “tracks” as it relates to eating and diet.  Please know that when I use the word diet, it just means what you eat.  There is really no positive or negative connotation to it.

As always you are welcome to eat however you are currently eating.  If what you are doing keeps you fit, healthy, and happy, then keep doing that.  If you are frustrated and would like to try one of the options which I will mention, then I’m here to help.

Please know too, that I offer these suggestions as options that I have personally used, and that I have offered my family too.  Know that I’m not just “selling” some gimmick.  These are things that I believe work and will help.

Here are the two “paths”.

The first option is more of an “extreme” option.  With this option you’ll be eating “regular” foods but manipulating your macronutrient ratios...basically you’ll be paying attention to your protein, carb, and fat intake.

A couple of big points in this diet is that you’ll have “cheat days” and  you’ll also have days that you’ll be fasting.

You’ll also be taking some supplements such as amino acids for the fasting days, fish oil, and protein powder.

My take...  I’ve eaten this way many times and like it very much.

The results come very fast with this focused style of eating.

The cheat days are great and the variety of food makes this an easy plan.  For some the down side is adding the supplements.  I’m used to taking supplements so it’s no big deal for me, but I know that some are not used to them.

The second option is a strict Paleo Diet plan.

I’ve purchased the rights to a 6 Week Paleo “Makeover” plan.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Paleo style of eating, you basically eat protein, vegetables, some fruits and nuts, and some healthy fat such as salmon and olive oil.

This option comes with 6 full weeks of daily recipes.  

With this option you’ll be eating whole foods and probably eliminating many of your current foods.  Things like breads, pastas, and sugary foods.

Past clients have had excellent success with this style of eating.

My take... The Paleo plan is my current style of eating.  I adhere to it about 80% of the time.  It’s comes natural for me as I tend to like a higher fat diet, and I don’t really crave carbs so much.

You will probably notice that the first two weeks of this diet will be very tough.  As you eliminate some of your favorites your body is going to fight back with some grumpiness and sometimes headaches.

So now it’s up to you.

You can choose to do nothing.
You can choose the first option with the fasting and cheat days.
or You can choose the Paleo option.

There is no right or wrong.

My only suggestion is that you have a serious look at how you are currently eating.  Is it serving you?  Meaning are you at the weight you desire, and at the energy level you wish?

If not, I encourage you to try one of these options.  Try one for the next camp and see how you feel.

Now, do me a big favor and let me know which option you’d like to do for the upcoming camp.  Once I know I can begin to send you more details.

The Importance of Sleep by Stephen Cooper

When you begin a new boot camp like we did this week, I am tempted to give you a bunch of information in the hopes that the more you know, the faster you will see results.

But I've learned over time that it is usually better to take in the lessons on a slower and deeper level.

What I try to share with you are tips and methods that will last you for a lifetime.  Once you begin to implement the methods your body will respond, as will you mind.

Getting enough sleep is going to be critical to your success.  Please watch the above video from one of my favorite authors on the subject of energy and sleep, Tony Schwartz.

New Boot Camp Begins Tonight and Tomorrow by Stephen Cooper

I was up pretty late last night (after 10pm) looking at Facebook, and came across this post from a current boot camper..."Stephen Cooper, thank you so much for getting me back in shape. It's been a year long journey and I feel stronger each day."

This came from a boot camper who just completed a half marathon this weekend.  

I can't express how proud I am of her.  I've seen how dedicated she has been with her training and her eating and it has really paid off in pounds lost, and being able live life to the fullest.

I say this as I know that most people join my boot camps to lose fat and tone, but there are much deeper things that can be accomplished by being in better shape.

In these days with the competition for jobs, doesn't it make sense to be as strong and healthy as possible?

Knowing that being fat and over stressed is a killer, isn't it time to make the commitment to getting yourself on the right track?

Like I always say, my boot camps are just one choice.  

The morning classes 5:45-6:30 MWF are pretty much full.  The evening classes 6-6:45, do have spaces available.

Three times a week for the month is $165.
Twice a week is $115.

We start new camps tonight, and tomorrow.

Join me, or get moving on your own.  Don't put any more excuses in the way.  It's time.

See you soon,

P.S.  Current clients please confirm with me if you will be continuing or not.  Thanks.

Spring Boot Camp Begins Next Week by Stephen Cooper

How are you doing with your New Years resolutions of fat loss and better health?

Have you made the progress you had hoped for...or has it been more hope than effort and results?

If you are on the right track and seeing the results you want, then congratulations.  If you aren't seeing the results and are frustrated, then maybe my boot camp is your answer.

If you are committed to change and are willing to put in 2 - 3 hours of work per week, then my boot camp might be a good choice for you.

So often people ask me..."well how many pounds do you think I can lose?"  My gut answer is...that I've had many clients lose about 12 pounds in one camp.  A lot depends on many different factors...but if you put your mind to it, show up, and eat well, I think 12 pounds is very doable.

Reminder of the days and times we meet,
MWF mornings 5:45am - 6:30am
MWF evenings  6:00pm - 6:45pm
TTH evenings same time of 6:00pm - 6:45pm

Cost: 3x a week camp is $165 
         2x a week camp is $115

Morning class only has a few openings.  Evening classes have more space.

* The next camps begin on Tuesday April 24, and Wednesday April 25.

Contact me to secure a spot.

See you soon,

Do You "Map" Out Your Day? by Stephen Cooper

You know how good it feels when you get so much done and your day seems to go right as planned.

I wonder how well we plan our days for this type of success.

When it comes to staying on track to lose fat, there must be a daily plan or "map".  Certain steps must be completed each day to bring you closer to your goal.

Here are my suggestions to creating this "map"...

Keep it simple.  The faster and easier you can create this plan the better.  Don't stress about setting up the perfect system, just get it on paper.

Create you day so that you plan your meals and your exercise times.  Put these in your schedule as appointments, and keep your word that you will make these appointments.

Get to bed on time.  Plan your day so that you have time to wrap up any business be it at work, or online.  Plan so that you can slow down in the evening and get away from the distractions (work, Facebook, etc.) of your day.

These things are simple yet not easy...but definitely need to be part of your daily routine if you want a long and healthy life.

Looking Into The Paleo Diet by Stephen Cooper

A client asks...

Hi Stephen, 

I hope you are well.  I was curious if you were going to do another Paleo Challenge?  After over a year of 'healthy' eating and intermittent/steady workout, I have yet to lose weight.  I've never had to 'diet' before, so I did weight watchers for the last 3 months and still no results.  In any case, looking into Paleo and thought of you.

Would love to hear your thoughts and would love the challenge. 

Thanks so much


My response...

I am doing well thanks for asking. 

No plans for a challenge right now. 

I like the Paleo style of eating as it makes sense (eating as close to natural and whole foods) plus my immunity has never been better.

Some of the Paleo sites I like are,  (If you have specific questions, or would like to arrange a consultation with Amy who is my registered dietitian and also work with Robb, contact her here.) 

If you can make it for 3 weeks eating strictly Paleo, you will see excellent results, plus you'll get over the "hump". There may be cravings and headaches for a while, but they will pass, and you should lose weight and feel better. 

Other than Paleo two other options that I believe are effective are Tim Ferris' 4 Hour Body, which is sensible...and intermittent fasting such as Eat Stop Eat. 

Knowing what type of workouts you had been doing, and if you were getting sufficient sleep each night would also help me with suggestions.



Updated response...

Discipline when it comes to eating and training is one of the most important keys to the fat loss game. 

In my case I love to train hard.  I look forward to and "crave" the challenge.  Like today...I know that I'm going to train jiu jitsu at noon...and I can't wait.  It's tough and draining...but I so look forward to challenging myself.
Also with the eating...I often tell clients that I could really care less about eating.  Don't get me wrong I love and appreciate great food and the care it takes to prepare...but most of the time, I'd rather just eat quick to get some "fuel" and get on with things.
There must be something in our DNA which "pushes" some people to train as hard as possible, and have this attitude towards eating.



I Appreciate Your Focus and Hard Work by Stephen Cooper

To those of you who made it to this mornings' workout, I appreciate your focus and hard work.  I don't say it often enough but when I know that you've gotten up out of bed and made it to our training, it makes me happy.

I'm constantly watching you, and to see you giving it your all, struggling through the exercises...pushing through the discomfort, pumps me up.

You are on the right path.

Consistency and hard work will pay off.  Keep it up!



April - May Camps

April 25 - May 21 Monday, Wednesday, Friday Camp

April 24 - May 17   Tuesday/Thursday Camp

Getting a Handle on Distractions by Stephen Cooper

From out trip to San Diego this weekend.

So much of your success with losing fat has little to do with exercising.

I believe more and more today that distractions are filling our time and pulling us away from what is really important.

Stop today and have a good look at where you are spending your time.  Is it being spent cooking your own healthy meals?  Are you getting in at least 20 minutes of exercise today?

What type of life it is when you are stressed out, sick, and miserable?

Make time for you.

Questions: Struggling with Food? by Stephen Cooper

Client question:

"Hi Stephen, 

My goals are to lose weight and be more fit.

I think my bigger struggle is food outside of class, especially when I get stressed I tend to eat, and when I do eat the wrong things it is usually sugar. 

I have gotten better in some ways, but I still find myself eating too much of the wrong stuff. I think some of it might be knowing the better times to eat, and eating the right stuff before and after exercising. I usually eat the wrong stuff at night or right after work. 


Boot Camp Client "K" 


My response: 

When it comes to food, there is no easy answer. 

Through my experience over the many many years I've been in this business, I can tell you that the best method or "rule" I know of is to eat as close to nature as possible. 

The farther we stray to packaged stuff, with man made ingredients, the worse our health and the more weight we gain.

As far as timing of meals...this too varies.

It used to be "religion" to suggest that clients eat every 3 hours for the "thermic effect", and so forth.  Yet, I've had many clients and friends lose weight by eating just one great big meal at night. 

(Did I add to your confusion?)   

I'd suggest that you eat according to your energy output, meaning lean towards eating a little more (even fruits) on days that you've trained. If you know that it's been a pretty sedentary day, then slow down the eating...maybe have more green tea or something. 

Hope that helps