I know, that's an understatement that it's hot. It currently reads 93 degrees in Pasadena, CA.
Just a reminder to hydrate well before and after our boot camp sessions.
Go slower, and pace yourself. Take care.
I know, that's an understatement that it's hot. It currently reads 93 degrees in Pasadena, CA.
Just a reminder to hydrate well before and after our boot camp sessions.
Go slower, and pace yourself. Take care.
Photo credit:Hank Precious
Take the day off to enjoy family, food and drinks.
If you've paid for this day, please know that you can train on a Tuesday or Thursday, credit it for the next camp, or I can refund you.
I ask that because your success at losing fat and most importantly, keeping it off come down to habits.
No quick fixes, or pills...just habits and discipline.
So let me know here in the comments, or via email.
July 4 NO CLASSES If you have already paid for the Monday class, you are welcome to use that credit for a Tuesday or Thursday class, or I can refund or credit that day.
Today is the first day of another boot camp.
Today is another day to choose if you will create new habits that contribute to better health.
If you are brand new to boot camp, and even if you have been to many before, I encourage you to take new measurements. At least take your weight, a before picture, and some circumference measurements with the tape measure.
Get you mind in the game.
Be ready for the workouts.
Get the proper sleep, and get on track with your eating.
Just this morning I posted my breakfast shake recipe.
Got questions? Ask? I'm here for your success!
One of the questions that I get asked is, "What should I eat for breakfast?".
I'll tell you exactly what I ate this morning, I even took a picture of it.
Breakfast protein shake:
2 cups water
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1/4 cup full fat coconut milk
frozen acai packet
sprinkle of cinnamon
In addition to that, I had two pieces of cantaloupe, and a small handful of walnuts.
I put this up here to show you exactly what I do. This is a real life situation where I needed a quick, yet healthy meal to get my day started.
One of the questions that I get asked is, "What should I eat for breakfast?".
I'll tell you exactly what I ate this morning, I even took a picture of it.
Breakfast protein shake:
2 cups water
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1/4 cup full fat coconut milk
frozen acai packet
sprinkle of cinnamon
In addition to that, I had two pieces of cantaloupe, and a small handful of walnuts.
I put this up here to show you exactly what I do. This is a real life situation where I needed a quick, yet healthy meal to get my day started.
Other breakfast ideas
Easy Power Protein Breakfast Shake
I've heard from many people that they have been having problems with one of my email addresses...Sorry about that.
Try, stephen@bootcamppasadena.com...I hope that one works for us.
As you know, I'm not one to blast out a lot of hype, specials, and lot's of talk.
The fun I have doing these boot camps and training is when I get emails just like this one I woke up to this morning.
..."I feel that I am getting so much stronger, my stamina has improved. I have lost 18lbs of body weight. Mostly unwanted fat."
Life doesn't get any better than that. If you'd like to join us and lose some fat or tone up, we'd love to have you with us.
Contact me, and I'll answer your questions, and fill you in on the details.
Hat's off to Tim Ferriss for finding this one..
First the updates
New Camp begins June 20 for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday boot campers, and June 21 for the Tue/Thur groups. Most of the time we can accommodate flexibility between the days and times...just ask.
Please confirm with me if you will be continuing, or would like to join in this camp.
Updates and News
Please check the blog first for any updates such as rain schedule, instructor changes (rarely)...any news, check here first. http://www.bootcamppasadena.com/blog/
"Just Results"
Some of the most beautiful things in life come from simple actions repeated and refined to excellence. In looking at my business and the way I interact with you my clients, I am trying to focus on getting you the best results.
There are a few things that I need to do very well with you.
What three things will you do this week to ensure that you lose fat and improve your health?
Post your answers in the "comment" section, or email me directly.
Please congratulate Brian and Hope on their wedding today.
Two very special people, I'm sending big hugs and much love.
Enjoy your honeymoon!
I'd really like to hear from you.
What seems to be your biggest frustration? Is it sticking to an eating plan? Is it finding the time to exercise?
I'm curious to hear from each of you.
Let me know here in the comments, or email me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I've made this short (3 min.) audio recording to spell out the three things you need to be doing to lose and keep the fat off.
The Three Things Are:
1. Train smart
2. Eat clean, (Paleo)
3. Proper recovery, sleep, massage
Click on the player below for the audio.
When it comes to losing fat through our boot camp, there isn't really a "one size fits all" solution.
Each of you have special situations.
Be it injuries that you need to work around, problems sleeping, etc.. For this reason I'm not really one to hand out mass handouts or the like.
I see our boot camp as a group effort with everyone supporting each other, plus individualized attention.
My suggestion is if you have a question about diet, sleep, etc., first have a look here on the blog. Use the "search" function and ask your question. We may have already discussed it a few times.
The next suggestion is to leave your comment or questions here on the blog posts. Just type it in the "comment" section, and we will help.
Lastly you can always call or email Marie or myself. Like I always say, the more we talk and discuss your particular situation and goals, the better and faster we can help you with your changes.
I'm back from vacation and ready to train.
We'll have regular times for our classes on Memorial Day.
I look forward to meeting many of you who are new to Boot Camp Pasadena.
"You have so much potential for being healthy and lean - how will you convert these "dreams" into your reality today?"
Most of you who are in the boot camp are here for fat loss and toning.
Continuing with yesterday's theme of focusing on the basics, here are some more tips.
If you "blow it" in one area such as not getting enough sleep, make sure that you do your best in the other two areas, eating clean, and training hard. If you falter in 2 or more areas, your chance of success is slim to none.
Have a look. (Video is about one minute long.)
Upcoming calendar:
Each Monday in May - My client, Onil Chibas of Elements Kitchen here in Pasadena, is donating 15% of proceeds when you eat at his restaurant to another great client of mine, Young and Healthy. Pretty simple. Eat on Mondays, get some incredible food, and everyone benefits.
May 30 New camp begins
As new people join us I just wanted to remind you of a few things.
There are what I call the "Four foundations for fat loss success."
They are:
You can read about these by clicking on this link.
You need to master these.
No need to look for other stuff to add until you get these down. We simply don't have time to add more exercise, or more stuff. Time is limited so take care of these basics.
The other point for today is about support and communication.
There is a lot of information here on the site about what to do during boot camp. simply type in your question in to the search function, and most likely you'll find your answer. But if you don't you can always email or call us.
I always say, the more we talk and you ask questions, the sooner you'll see results. The fastest way to get a response from me is to email me. stephen (at) boot camp pasadena.com.
I don't always see messages on Twitter or Facebook, so email me directly.
Isn't it amazing how challenging bodyweight exercises can be?
Yesterday we did many bodyweight exercises. Most of those exercises focused on the core, chest, and arms.
The exercises that I chose accomplish three things:
1. They burn a lot of fat since you have to move your entire body without any assistance.
2. They involve the core as you must stabilize your body when performing the exercise.
3. And lastly, they tone the arms and chest.
My hope as always, is that by doing these bodyweight exercises is that you can "steal" them from me. Meaning I want you to remember them and implement them on your own.
Maybe you are traveling and don't have access to a gym...you can always do some bodyweight exercises.
There is no excuse!
I had a question via email asking if our boot camp was only a women's fitness class. He asked if there were "dudes" too?
My response is "yes". Both men and women take the boot camp classes, but most are women. If I have 30 total students in one class, 27 of those are probably women.
I mentioned to him that these classes are designed to burn fat.
Therefore, for men looking to build larger muscles this is probably not the best choice.
Having said that, this is still a great option for those men looking to shed a lot of fat, gain strength, and improve endurance.
The exercises, like we did today with the TRX, can be modified so that they are extremely challenging.
For potential clients who aren't sure if our boot camp is the right fit, feel free to call me and discuss your questions.