Hiking in Altadena by Stephen Cooper

A boot camper and I were talking about hikes in the nearby mountains of Altadena and Pasadena.

One of my favorite places to get away is on Tanoble.  I've put the map below.

Take Loma Alta and turn North on Tanoble, keep your eye open on the right side for a wooden dam like structure.  The trail head is just to the right of that.

Newsletter for March 8, 2011 by Stephen Cooper

Mar. 8, 2011

I'm back from a 3 day conference in Denver.  I'll be posting and writing more about that in the next few days, but I wanted to give you a quick and convenient snack idea.

I tried a great and wholesome food bar while I was at the conference.  They are homemade here in L.A..

The reason I'm suggesting that you give them a try is that they are made with real food, nothing artificial...and they taste great.

It's the perfect snack for right after a workout, or maybe in case you can't grab breakfast.

The bar that I like and tried is called "Training 33".  Tim Ferriss of the "4 Hour Body" fame chooses it in his book as the "go to" bar for fat loss.

The site is www.YouBar.com

If you use my code "Boot Camp Pasadena" you'll receive 5% off.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Free Hike and Workout This Sunday Mar. 6 in Monrovia by Stephen Cooper

Lot's going on this week.


February 28

New Boot Camp Sessions Begin Today (some spaces still avail)

February 28  

Last day of the Paleo Challenge II.  Email me your before and after pictures, starting and ending measurements, and let me know what this challenge meant to you.

March 6

Free workout and hike.  Join us this Sunday in Monrovia. 

Next Boot Camp Pasadena Session Begins Feb 28 by Stephen Cooper

Next Boot Camp Pasadena Session begins Feb 28

As the weather warms up, boot camp classes will fill up.

We've pretty much made it through the "cold" time of the year, so if you haven't joined us yet, now is a great time to begin.

Please read through our testimonials to see the success stories of many of our boot campers.  These stories are from real people just like you.  Many times they were nervous about getting started, but once they did...the results came.

So, details for the next camp:

Dates: Feb. 28 - March 25 for the 3 day a week camp  (Mon, Wed, Fri)

           March 1 - March 24 for the 2 day a week camp (Tu, Thur)

Times: 5:45am - 6:30am  AM session, or

           6:00pm - 6:45  PM

Cost: $189 for 3 day per week option

         $128 for 2 day per week option

Contact me to register, and if you have any questions.


Manicure Pedicure Coupons by Stephen Cooper

Well ladies... you've told me about your manicures taking a beating from training, so Dana from the morning boot camp has hooked you up.

She has given me $5.00 coupons that you can use at her Spa, Forum Beauty Spa in Pasadena.

She mentioned that there is a mani/pedi combo special every Mon-Thurs, if you book your appt between 9:30a-2:45p, for $28 (they also accept walk-ins). The coupons can be used towards this special as well.

Their phone number is (626) 351-2200

New Clients, Welcome to Boot Camp Pasadena by Stephen Cooper

New clients, welcome to Boot Camp Pasadena.

Like I mention in this short video, the first few classes are going to be challenging...and you are going to be sore. If you haven't exercised in a while, you are probably going to be quite sore.

If you feel bewildered and overwhelmed, that is totally normal.  Some of the other people in the boot camp have been with me close to two years, so they definitely know what they are doing.  Soon you will too.

I am here to help, and so are your fellow boot campers. 

I pride myself in creating a supportive group.  We are in this together.

The most important thing is that you have made the commitment, and you have the courage to show up...I totally admire you for this.  Pat yourself on the back.  There are many who talk about change, but fewer are those who actually do something.  You are doing it!

Don't Settle. Challenge Yourself to Be Your Best. by Stephen Cooper

"It is not the critic who counts.

Not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled

or how the doer of the deeds might have done better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena

whose face is marred with sweat, dust, and blood.

Who strives valiantly,

who lives and comes up short again and again.

Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions

and spends himself in a worthy cause.

Who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement

and who, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly.

So that his place shall never be with those cold and timed souls

who know neither victory nor defeat."

Some things piss me off by Stephen Cooper

I'm a pretty calm guy, but some things piss me off.

I got a question this morning via email with regards to eating at the workplace.  Here's the question, and my response.

Question: "As for diet, I work in an office where there's always food around, including free lunches 3 days a week.  So, I remain sort of stuck and could really use ideas about how to help kick start weight loss (even a little success).  Thanks."

My response:  I'm going to be honest with you.  As far as your meals at work, I don't care if they are free, or other people are eating them.  If those meals are not contributing to creating a more lean and healthy YOU....then do something different.  I see too many businesses that don't put their employees' health first. Bring your own food.  Be selfish!  I often hear of co-workers actually sabotaging others by making fun of them because they are eating healthy!  This makes my blood boil.  How dare they. 

Here is my suggestion to "kick start" your weight loss.

1.  Eat lots of vegetables

2.  Eat chicken, fish, lean meats.

3.  Eat some fruit, nuts/seeds, and healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, etc.. 

4.  Avoid the rest... 

How is your sleep?  Meaning, do you sleep enough?  Do you wake up feeling rested?

Ask Amy, Boot Camp Pasadena's Registered Dietitian by Stephen Cooper

Question:  "I'm wondering if there is any correlation between eating Paleo and an increase of dental plaque on lower teeth. I went to my dentist for a routine cleaning today and he was aghast at how much build up I had on my lower teeth (pretty much in the middle, from the first pre-molar to the other side).  It's atypical for me.  He figured I wasn't cleaning as well, but I haven't changed my dental hygiene habits at all.  The only thing I've really changed is my diet.  Curious if anyone has ever experienced something similar."

Amy's Answer:   I have not heard of a Paleo diet promoting dental plaque - in fact I have most commonly heard the opposite.  Plaque growth is assisted by sugar and since a Paleo diet is not a sugar rich plan, I am fairly certain it is not the culprit.  The only thoughts I have would be in relation to your fruit and dried fruit intake or cheat meal foods. 

Acidic foods (citrus, some vegetables, etc.) and carbonated beverages can promote tooth decay, but not necessarily plaque build up. Here is a look at food types and the chances/risk of tooth decay:

Acidic foods (citrus, some vegetables, etc.) and carbonated beverages can promote tooth decay, but not necessarily plaque build up. Here is a look at food types and the chances/risk of tooth decay:

High Potential for Decay -Dried fruits, hard & soft candy, cake, cookies, pie, crackers, chips, etc.

Moderate Potential For Decay -Fruit Juice, canned fruit, soft drinks, breads

Low Potential for Decay - Raw fruits and vegetables, milk

No Potential for Decay - Meat, Fish, Poultry, Fats, Oils

Ability to Stop Decay - Cheese, Nuts

Have you switched brands of toothpaste?  My suggestion would be to stick with Paleo and really concentrate on doing a good job of brushing and flossing!  Hope this helps!

Have a Great Day!

Amy Kubal, RD

Happy Birthday Jlynn by Stephen Cooper

Current Boot Campers, please confirm with me or Marie and let us know if you will be continuing with the next session.

Next Camp begins Monday Jan. 31.


Happy Birthday to Jlynn of my morning class :)

Free Hike and Workout This Saturday Jan. 29 in Pasadena by Stephen Cooper

Newsletter for Monday... How has 2011 been for you so far?  Are you on the right path to being lean, healthy, and as fit as you desire?

Have you changed for the better?  Or will 2011 just be another year of frustration?

Yes, this is meant to be a little kick in the a.. to get with it.

What are you waiting for?

If you are exercising and eating right, then congratulations!  You realize that there is no magic, no miracles...just focused and consistent training to get the job done.

If you haven't been doing enough, or you need a little boost, here are a few options for you.

This coming Saturday, we will be leading a free hike and workout here in the Pasadena area.

Day: Saturday Jan 29, 2011
Time:  8AM - 9:30AM approximately
Location: See our MeetUp Page for location (Eaton Canyon)
Cost: Free
RSVP:  Please RSVP on our MeetUp Page so Marie knows how much equipment to bring.

Bring a friend too!

Another option is our next boot camp.  Sessions begin on Jan 31, or Feb 1, depending on if you are taking the 4, 3, or 2 day a week option.

(Yes, we've added a new, four day a week option.)

Time and time again, people who train with us report really great results.  Some  clients experience pounds and inches lost, and many report feeling stronger, more powerful, and having more energy.

If you are frustrated, and trying to lose weight on your own isn't working, I encourage you to join us.  

Compete. Lady Boot Campers Kick A.. by Stephen Cooper

So we've got a little friendly competition going on here at boot camp.

On Monday night we did a fun little exercise with the BOSU ball.  I actually had the pleasure to meet with David Weck, the creator of the BOSU ball late last year.  He is super passionate about training, and a great guy to talk to about training.

I won't divulge what the exact challenge is (you gotta train with us to experience it), but I can tell you that it will get your heart pumping and your legs pumped...and maybe burn some calories too.

The point of this challenge is to see where you are at, and to push yourself.  Our winner with the top number won herself a nice little Under Armour bag.  The good thing is that when we do this challenge, the "winner" will be the one who improves the most.  Keeping working hard.

I know that there are still a few of you who need to compete in this challenge, but so far our winner is Laura T. of the morning class.  She really kicked a.. .  The ladies were super tough!

Here she is with her prize.

Laura wins the BOSU ChallengeFor those of you who competed but didn't quite get there...you still got a nice prize, right?  (That prize was 15% at my buddy Onil's restaurant, Elements in Pasadena.)  If you haven't eaten there yet, do yourself a favor and bring your loved ones for an incredible experience.  Today is their 1 year anniversary too!

Speaking of Onil...look who got caught on video doing the BOSU Challenge.

50 Ways to Stay Motivated by Stephen Cooper

Stephen Cooper Quoted in FitSugar Article

Nice to see that I was quoted along with Dr. Andrew Weil, Tony Horton, and others, in this article at FitSugar.  "50 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight".

"Well, it's the middle of January, is your motivation starting to wane? Never fear! We asked some of the nation's top experts – doctors, psychologists, fitness experts, life coaches – to give us 50 of their best inspirational tips for staying motivated to lose weight."