Good Monday Morning by Stephen Cooper

As I mentioned on our Facebook page this morning...

"Boot campers, way to get your morning started. To those who skipped... a little message, your body doesn't know that its a needs to be challenged in order to improve. Get after it!" 

A great message from my buddy Frank Pucher of Fitness 121 Personal Training...

"Promise yourself to be so strong that noting can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!"

More news later today, as I'll give a round up from the Perform Better conference that Marie and I attended over the weekend.

Ask Amy, The Boot Camp Pasadena Registered Dietitian by Stephen Cooper


"I would like more info about veggie sources that are high in protein. I currently supplement my diet with whey protein and Greek yogurt, but would like additional information about other sources high in protein, other than nuts/legumes."

P.S. "I guess I'm "pescatarian"--I occasionally eat fish."

Amy's Answer:

Well, unfortunately choices are limited.  From a Paleo standpoint eggs (if you do those) are your best bet.  Since you do fish I would highly recommend incorporating that as often as you also.  Dairy isn't something I normally recommend but it would be much better than soy - so your choices there are unsweetened Greek Yogurt (full fat), Cottage Cheese (full fat), Cheese (real cheese - not processed cheese) or whole milk. 

If you have questions for Amy our Registered Dietitian, please contact me.

A Question About Salt by Stephen Cooper


"Regarding processed meats (ie: sausage, bacon, deli meat, jerky)  I'm wondering how 'Paleo' she finds them to be in terms of weight/fat loss.  I generally try to stay away from them, because of the salt content, but am wondering if I could start incorporating them more into my diet.  As I look up more Paleo recipes, there seems to be a several which incorporate these foods (mostly sausage)... but they seem contrary to the paleo ethos of non-processing."


Less processing is ALWAYS going to be better, as far as being non-paleo - it's kind of a gray area.  My best guess is that the cavemen didn't have the luxury of sausage and bacon as we know it, but you can bet they ate the parts of the animal that these meats come from.  From fat/weight loss and overall health standpoints I am going to encourage you to stick to lean (unless coming from grass-fed animals, which have higher Omega-3 levels), unprocessed meats.  In the event that you do choose to have sausage, bacon or deli-meat choose organic, natural, nitrate free varieties and look for brands like Applegate Farms, etc.  There are some really great venison sausages, chicken-apple sausages, etc. out there if you are willing to pay for them.  When you start getting into the more fatty meats - like bacon, understand that you are trading a great deal of protein for fat - I would suggest not having bacon/sausage/deli meat on a daily bases, but rather limit it to a couple of times per week and really be mindful of the ingredients that are added to the meat (lots of them have sugar, corn syrup, etc.)  Avoid packages that say "Jimmy Dean", "Oscar Mayer", etc.  :o)

 Let me know if this helps!!



Some Great Paleo Links by Stephen Cooper

Here are some great links/resources courtesy of Eli, one of our boot campers.

The following are some of the links I like: 

I know some of these recipes aren't 100% Paleo, but they suggest certain ingredients in their recipes, but we could make it 100% paleo ourselves by avoiding these ingredients. I tweak all my recipes anyway. I also like to put in keywords into my google searches, for example; paleo desserts, paleo breakfast recipes, paleo snacks...etc etc. (also, one website or article...lead you to another) so the discoveries are pretty endless.  

The below website is the free food journal template I use:

How to Shop Paleo at Your Supermarket by Stephen Cooper

Hey guys, have a look at Amy's blog post on how to shop for Paleo items at your grocery store...very helpful.

For those of you who are new to Boot Camp Pasadena, Amy Kubal is our Registered Dietitian.  I feel very fortunate in having her on our team.  She is very knowledgeable, experienced, and  a sweet person too. 

As compared to some other so called "boot camps" or personal trainers, who have unqualified meatheads selling you their pills and potions, we here at Boot Camp Pasadena actually encourage you to eat real food. (What a revolutionary idea!) 

Paleo Challenge Update

We are at day 4.  Some of you sent me your photos...and it was a good thing.  You want to make sure that you are showing as much skin as possible (within reason).  Meaning short shorts...not long baggy ones, and exercise bras for the women, not t-shirts.

Some of you have sent in specific questions which is great.  I will gladly forward them to Amy.

In the comment section, let me know how your eating, sleeping, and training went for yesterday and today.

Take Your Before Pictures and Measurements for Our Challenge by Stephen Cooper

For those of you who have entered or want to enter the Paleo Fat Loss Challenge, today is the last day to enter.

To qualify for the prizes, today is the last day to take your "before" pictures and measurements.

  • Pictures should be like this example here.  (If you are not sure that your picture is like the one in the mentioned example, please submit yours via email, and I will let you know if it is OK, or if you need to retake it.  This is critical for the Challenge.)
  • Your beginning weight should be taken.
  • Measurements for men - waist, possibly chest
  • Measurements for women - waist, and at least hips
  • (You may decide to take other measurements such as arms, calves, etc...but this is up to you) 

I'm getting quite a few questions, which I hope to post here throughout the day.  Many times you can put your question in to the "search" box here on the site and you'll find that we've already answered it.

Remember- Just focus on 3 things:

  1. Eat the Paleo way
  2. Train each day
  3. Get enough sleep 

If it helps you, you can list what you've eaten and your exercise in the comment section...better yet, if you are on Facebook, take a picture of your meal and "tag it" 'Boot Camp Pasadena".  This way we can "monitor" what you are eating, plus we all can share some good recipes.

Related Posts: Simple breakfast pic..

Great to See So Many of You Back at Boot Camp Pasadena by Stephen Cooper

You don't know how happy it makes me to see so many of you back from vacation and back to boot camp.  That cold weather in Altadena didn't bother you and you made it through your first day.

The "testing" that we did yesterday was only to see where your current fitness level is.  My hope is that you don't worry about your numbers and try to compare yourself to others.  Compete with yourself, and give your 100% each workout, that's all I ask.

How was day 1 of the Paleo Fat Loss Challenge?

I'm posting this as an example of a simple Paleo meal.  Lean hamburger patty in a little olive oil, with some spinach.  Plain maybe, but easy to fix and provides great fuel for your fat loss path.

I have a lot more pictures of low carb and Paleo meals here on my Flickr page.

Report in the comment section below...How was your first day on the Paleo Fat Loss Challenge?  And how is it going today?

First step by Stephen Cooper

I will probably be posting a few times today as there is quite a bit of information.

Many of you will be taking your first boot camp class today, and many of you will be starting our 2nd Paleo Challenge, so the first step is to just do it.

For those of you who showed up this morning and made it through the fitness "tests", congratulations.  That's what it takes...just getting up, out of bed, and in to action.  You've done it!

If you are in the Paleo Challenge then your first step is to eat a Paleo version of breakfast.  Have you done that? (Put you answer in the comment section below.)

If you are curious to know if I actually "do" what I "preach".  Yes indeed.

For breakfast I had a lean beef patty from Trader Joe's with a little seasoning, a small handful of walnuts, a small orange, and some green tea.  As far as my workout...I'm going out right now after I finish typing this post.

How did you start your day???

If it Rains by Stephen Cooper

For those of you who are new to Boot Camp Pasadena, here is our "rain policy".

AM session we always have access to the hall, so we can meet inside if it is raining.

PM session most often we do not have access to the hall.  Come prepared to train outdoors, but under some type of covering.

Rain does not cancel class.

Paleo Fat Loss Challenge 2 Begins Jan 3, 2011 by Stephen Cooper

Our 2nd Paleo Challenge Starts Jan. 3, 2011

(Update:  I just (3:06pm) sent out an email newsletter to those who are registered.  Please let me know if you did not receive it.)

Challenge runs 8 weeks.  Jan 3 till Feb 28, 2011

Here are some of the basics when it comes to following the Paleo Eating Plan.  (Please look over these to decide if you are up to the challenge.)

  • Eat real food
  • Do not eat dairy.
  • Do not eat grains.
  • Do not eat legumes.
  • Do not eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial.
  • Do not eat processed foods.
  • Do not drink alcohol, in any form.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep each day.

Details and Guidelines of the Challenge

  • Eating: Paleo.
  • Cost: $25 to be put into a kitty.
  • 3 'Before' pictures taken: (on or within 2 days of Jan. 3, 2011) front view, side view and back view. Men are in shorts and Women are in shorts and sports bra/bikini top.  (See example here.)
  • 3 'After' pictures are taken on February 28 (or within the next 2 days).
  • Boot Camp Pasadena trainers will pick the finalists.
  • Winner wins entire kitty plus 1 month of boot camp classes from Boot Camp Pasadena.
  • Runner-up wins 1 month of boot camp classes at Boot Camp Pasadena.

Each day you should be doing 3 things.

1.  Eat Paleo

2.  Exercise

3.  Sleep at least 8 hours

We've found that simply awarding yourself points for each day is a very straightforward way to see if you are on track or not.

Tracking doesn't have to be difficult.  One great way to track your progress and to also get support from myself, Marie, and your other challengers is to post your daily "report" here on the blog.

You will earn 3 points per day in this manner.

  • 1 point for eating according to the Paleo Method
  • 1 point for exercising
  • 1 point for sleeping 8 hours

Details of the Paleo Eating Plan

  1. Eat real food. Meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, oils. Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re fresh and natural.
  2. Do not eat dairy. This includes butter, cheese, yogurt and milk (including cream in your coffee).
  3. Do not eat grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, corn, oatmeal, and also any gluten-free pseudo-grains (quinoa, etc).
  4. Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter!
  5. Do not eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial.  No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Truvia, Stevia, etc.
  6. Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes, processed bars like Zone and Balance bars, dairy-free creamers, etc.
  7. Do not drink alcohol, in any form.

Contact me if you have any questions.

New Boot Camp Sessions and Paleo Fat Loss Challenge 2 Begins Jan 3, 2011 by Stephen Cooper

For those of you in the Pasadena and Altadena area, and nearby cities, boot camp sessions begin on Monday, January 3.  

If your goals for 2011 include:

  • Losing fat, 
  • Getting toned, and 
  • Becoming more confident about your body, then I encourage you to try one of our camps.

Last year there were many success stories, as you can see in the testimonials section.  

Also our 2nd Paleo Fat Loss Challenge begins on Jan. 3.  (Details here.)

Newsletter by Stephen Cooper

Dec. 29 2010

New Years is one of my favorite times of the year.  It's all about getting a fresh start.

As always I am tinkering with my programming.  I'll be reviewing all of the programs that we had over 2010.  (14 file folders of programs and notes.)

I look at the notes and the comments to see how the programs went.  

I'll review the many clients who lost a lot of weight this year and look to see how I can make modifications and improvements.

It's all about getting results for you.

Plain and simple.

The older I get and the more years I spend in this "game", fat loss isn't such a mystery any more.  I don't say this to be cocky...but I've seen a lot of people lose a lot of weight.

Workout times will actually decrease this year...and results will be even better.  Wait and see!

If you'd like to join us next year, please visit the site and sign up.

Enjoy the holiday, and appreciate every day.


"I lost 40 pounds (and 9 inches off my waist!) working out with Stephen and achieved my wedding goal weight." by Stephen Cooper

I first heard about Stephen from a random google search for boot camps in the Pasadena area.  I was newly engaged and desired to get in shape for my wedding.  I found myself completely unmotivated and could not get to the gym to save my life.  I'd never worked out with a trainer before and, quite frankly, thought it was a waste of money (I had the mentality of: why train with someone, when you can just do it yourself?).  But, weeks turned into months, and I still hadn't done anything to move in the direction I wanted to head.  So, I reached out to Stephen to find out more information about the classes.  The morning class was the one that best first my schedule.  Working out in the mornings and outdoors was the last thing that appealed to me. But, there was something about Stephen's demeanor and practical approach that I thought couldn't hurt.  I also appreciated the fact that running was not part of the program.  I loved when Stephen told me "I don't need you to pay me to watch you run".  Hilarious.  What did I have to lose?  Absolutely nothing.  So, I took the leap and started out.  It was the best decision.   

Within the first week of class, I noticed changes in my body.  By Friday, I knew there was a difference in my midsection.  As the weeks progressed, it was a thrill to take measurements and see the pounds melting off.  I was reshaping my body, as I toned.  As I focused on eating cleanly and getting enough sleep, I noticed increased endurance during workouts.  Stephen was with me all the way, encouraging me, and always being willing to give me pointers on areas I had questions about.  It was exactly what I needed.  Due to his guidance, I embraced a mantra of eating right, drinking water, sleeping 8 hours, and putting forth my best effort each training session.   Those simple things paid off.  As people noticed my weight loss, they'd ask me how I did it. No one (including myself, when I really thought about it) could believe it was from just 3, 45-minute sessions a week and a diet that was completely satiating. 

Working out with a trainer takes all the guess work out of exercising.  I started calling it a lazy-workout, because that's the way it felt.  All I had to do is show up and do the planned workout.  I don't know why it was so difficult for me to see how beneficial workout out with a trainer could be.  I loved not having to plan my workouts and just show up and work hard.  At the gym, I'd typically end up straining a muscle from working out on equipment incorrectly or with the wrong weights, and I'd get bored from the same weekly routine. With Stephen, there was no fear of injuring myself and the sessions were always different, interesting and challenging. 

I'd strongly recommend Boot Camp Pasadena to anyone that desires to lose weight or get in shape.  It's a simple equation (eat right + exercise efficiently + sleep) to reach your weight loss goals!  I lost 40 pounds (and 9 inches off my waist!) working out with Stephen and achieved my wedding goal weight (or, what I like to call, my 'carry me over the threshold' weight).  I felt absolutely wonderful on my wedding day!  I knew I put forth the time and effort and the results speak for themselves!  I'm so grateful for Stephen and his program.  I feel fortunate to have benefited from his expertise.  Thanks, Coop, for all you have done for me!  I appreciate you so much!