Should I Count Calories? / by Stephen Cooper

My breakfast...

My breakfast...


"Do you recommend a certain number of calories or ratio of fat/carb/protein consumption per day?" 

My response...

I don't really recommend counting calories.  It works, and is very helpful if you need to shed weight fast, but it really destroys the pleasure of eating, and gets to be a pain in the butt to track.

If you can focus on whole foods, proteins/fish, lots of vegetables, some fruit (I prefer berries over some of the sweeter/higher sugar ones), and some nuts, and healthy fats... you'll be able to eat a wide variety of stuff, feel full, and still lose weight.

It may take some adjustments, but the payoff is high.

A couple of sites I like are,, and

I don't always follow a strict Paleo diet, but these sites have great, whole food recipes (for free).