High fives and pats on the back to those who made it to our first (chilly, 37 degrees in Pasadena) boot camp class of 2015.
Twenty seven people are registered for my morning camp. This morning, 14 showed up.
You may have ideas and know you should be exercising, but actually waking up at 5a and getting your butt out of bed, is a different story.
Talking about your goals and planning doesn't get results. Showing up and executing does.
Execution matters.
The clients who get results are the ones who take action...day in and day out.
For 2015 get into the habit of taking action. Spend less time thinking about exercise, and spend more time doing.
*Extra high five to new boot camper, DeLeon, who rode his bike to camp this morning. That's the way to start the New Year!