I weighed 245 pounds & today weighed in @ 215! / by Stephen Cooper

"Hi Stephen! I have great news!!! My BMI is on the chart now! 35! I know it isn't a great # & I still have a way to go but my goal was to @ least be on the chart. I'm in the red still but I meet my goal & am on the chart!!! Now my next goal is to get out of the red zone! When I started training with you my BMI was 45 & now is 35! I weighed 245pounds & today weighed in @ 215! Plus I've steadily lost an average of 5inches a month!!! Wish it was mainly my gut, but I know it will come with time! Thank you Stephen for being a great trainer & advisor!!!
See ya Friday,"

P.R. - Altadena, CA - via email

P.S.- "My son has lost 13 pounds & 1" & 1/2 off of his waist."