Are You Ready for This? TRX Kettlebell Iron Circuit Conditioning by Stephen Cooper

Fitness Anywhere Video

Hi boot campers,

Look what I just bought...a new training DVD.  Kettlebells and TRX combined.

We've been doing combo's like this since boot camp began and I'm excited to see and learn some new routines.

We were the first boot camp in the Pasadena area to use the TRX suspension trainer, and it just gets better with time.

As I'm sure you've seen in class everyone from the novice and out of shape, up to the very strong can get a great workout from the TRX.

I'm excited.  Aren't you?


Fat Burning Breakfast by Stephen Cooper

I'm often asked, "what should I eat for breakfast?".

Another question I hear a lot from clients is, "should I eat before boot camp, or not?"

As many of you know I wake up early on boot camp days, 4:50AM to be exact.  Usually I have a protein shake of some sort (recipe below) before boot camp, and then later around 9AM I'll have my main breakfast.

As far as fat loss theories...I think the verdict is still out if you should train on a fasted state or not.  I just told a boot camper this morning like I'm telling you here... if you feel a little queasy working out on an empty stomach, then have a few almonds and a half an apple.  Maybe a half a protein shake.  Experiment and see what gives you energy, but doesn't slow down your workout.

Coffee, mate', or tea are fine too before your session. 

So let's assume you are going to have your real meal after your boot camp session.  Here is a plan.

Choose lean proteins, eggs, leftover protein from the night before, add some vegetables, a piece of fruit, and some healthy fat.  Keep it simple.

Here's what I had today:

Pre boot camp shake:

2 scoops protein powder

1 frozen pack Sambazon Acai

1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

and water.


Around 8AM

3 eggs

hot chipotle salsa (Trader Joe's)

collard greens

olive oil for cooking

fresh apple from my neighbor's yard (thanks John)

Remember: proper "fueling" for your workout is critical.  Not only do want to eat right to have enough energy to train hard, but you want to eat a mix that will help you recover faster, and lose fat most effectively.

Pay attention to good eating, and your body will reward you. 


Related Reading:

Morning Frozen Acai Protein Shake

What to Eat for Maximum Fat Loss and Performance 

Meal Pictures

Simple Breakfast


Happy Birthday and Nice Work by Stephen Cooper

Happy Birthday to Patty from the AM class, and congratulations to Evan of the evening class for challenging himself with our "big" kettlebell last night.  Nice work buddy.

Both events bring smiles to me.

P.S.  What's your favorite boot camp exercise we do, and why? (Post your answer here in the "Post a Comment" area.)


New Boot Camp Session in the Pasadena Altadena Area Begins July 19 by Stephen Cooper

First of all a word of thanks to those of you who sent me wishes about my knee surgery.  I really appreciate it.

My knee is stiff and a little unstable, but otherwise I'm really happy with the procedure.  Now I just have to be patient in not training too hard...which is not going to be easy for me.

The next session begins on Monday the 19th.  As usual, please confirm with me either way, if you'll be continuing with this session, or you'll be taking a break. The morning class looks pretty full, but the evening class could use some company.  If you know anyone who could use some help or a boost with their fat loss plans, send them our way.  (They will receive a discounted price, plus you'll get one free session for each person you refer.)

Rest and Recovery
As you know I stick to the basics when it comes to long term good health.  One of the important areas which you must appreciate is rest and recovery.  I can't tell you how many clients I've had who felt like they had to do more to "lose the fat".  It just isn't true! Doing more often leads to burn out, colds, overtraining, creating lack of results, and ultimately quitting everything in disgust.

I've seen a lot of success with boot campers just doing our three, 45 minute sessions.  (With my own training I typically train 15-20 minutes...maybe 4 times per week.)
If you want to do more on your own make sure that you are eating right on target, meaning 85-90% compliant, and that you are sleeping enough (meaning waking up feeling completely rested.)

Don't add more just for the heck of it.  Stick to the plan.

 (Here's my version of "relax and recovery" with my kids.)

One of the keys to losing fat, keeping it off, and staying lean is that you must create good habits.  A quick fix or a temporary diet may work in the short term, but long lasting success comes from good habits.

Think of one habit that you can begin today which will contribute towards your better health.

Think of one habit that you could eliminate today that would bring you closer to your goals.

Implement them today.

If you need some suggestions, let me know.

See you soon,

Simple Breakast by Stephen Cooper

Most of the time I eat for function rather than enjoyment.  That's not to say that I don't enjoy or appreciate a well prepared meal, it's just that most of my meals tend to be for fueling my body.

Here is what I had for breakfast this morning.

Turkey patty with some McCormicks Spicy Montreal Steak spice, and some papaya.  

Eating like this I feel lite and energized. 

You can see more pictures of "Boot Camp Friendly" meals here.


Fourth of July Schedule by Stephen Cooper

Monday morning the 5th our AM class will meet at 7a...not 5:45.  

Evening class will meet at the regular time.

Article on the Paleo Diet:

Nice article on a guy who lost 71 pounds in 6 months using the Paleo style of eating.

On a personal note...

On Tuesday I will be having arthroscopic surgery on my left knee.  I tore my medial meniscus doing jiu jitsu.  I tried for some time to work with it, but I need to get this fixed.  It's been very frustrating for me as I haven't been able to do any lower body exercises for about 2 months.

On Wednesday morning July 7, Marie B. will be leading the AM session.  You are in very good hands with Marie. She has been training with me since I began the boot camps about 2 years ago.  She has been studying for her personal trainer exam for quite some time and will be taking her test at the end of this month.

I will keep you posted if I will be making the evening session.

Up until this point, 44 years, I thought that I was indestructible.  In all the years that I've lifted weights I've never gotten hurt like this.  There have been occasions that I've had to lay off for a week, maybe two at the most with a sore joint, but nothing like this.  It's all new to me.

This is What It's All About by Stephen Cooper


This is why I love what I do.  Some people stress over their lives, work, etc..  I'm one of the luckiest guys on earth.  I get to do what I love, and people improve their lives.

Note: I spoke with this client this morning and she said "thank you".  I appreciate the thanks, but the results came from her.  She showed up, she sacrificed, she trained, she ate well...this is what it take people.

No shortcuts, no gimmicks, no late night informercial crap.  Show up, and get it done.

More testimonials can be found here


Relax, It's the Weekend. Plus It's Part of a Smart Fat Loss Plan. by Stephen Cooper

Morning boot campers working on the TRXYour success with losing fat during our boot camp , and keeping it off will depend a lot on creating balance in your life.

The best way I've found to do this is by showing up and training hard during the week.  In our case Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, are our training days.  My hope is that you have made it to each session and trained as hard as you could.

If you are trying to lose fat, which most of you in the boot camp have told me is your goal, then eating well should be right on target 6 days a week.

So now we've come to Saturday and Sunday.  For many this can be challenging.  Parties, bar-b-ques, weddings, etc., all of these usually include some rich foods, and many times alcohol.

If you have trained hard, and eaten well during the rest of the week, one day won't set you back on your goal to fat loss.  Your body may even "need" the shock to keep your metabolism revving. 

Enjoying the weekend with my daughter.

As you plan your week, keep in mind the one day which you'd like to treat yourself.  In my own example, last weekend we had a big get together to watch the World Cup game in which Brazil was playing.  I knew that I would want to eat more than usual, plus there were some desserts I wanted to eat.  I ate basically whatever I wanted without the worry that I would gain weight.  It's a good feeling to enjoy life.

The problem becomes when we over do it the rest of the week.

Plan your week.  If you need help with your specific situation, please contact me.


Go to Sleep Early by Stephen Cooper

An email I just sent to new students who will begin training tomorrow morning...

This email may be a little late, but  my hope is that you go to sleep early tonight.  Wind down, and get some solid sleep.  You'll want plenty of sleep so that your training will be strong in the morning.

P.S.  On nights before boot camp I try to get to bed by I awake at 4:50.

Your Habits Will Make or Break You by Stephen Cooper

No pill, diet, workout, or exercise gimmick will bring you lasting results when it comes to health and fat loss.  Not my boot camp, not the Spinning Class, not the workout DVD.

It's you and your habits!

It's fine to be investigating and testing...but in the meantime work your butt off, eat smart, and get proper recovery and sleep.

Until you master the basics you will continue to live a very frustrated life.

Calendar by Stephen Cooper

Saturday June 19:

Free Self Defense and Jiu Jitsu Class at Gracie Barra in Arcadia.  Please confirm with me if you will be attending. Here is a link to photos and the address.

Monday June 21:

New boot camp session begins.  We still have a few openings in both the AM and PM sessions.  Please invite your friends and family.  Keep in mind the camp is designed for those looking to lose fat.  I've recently had some potential boot campers turned away because I felt that the camp would not be a good fit for them.

Pop Quiz: What did you eat for breakfast this morning? by Stephen Cooper

So a pop quiz for this morning.  

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Was it some combination of lean protein, fruit, and some healthy fat?

Did you skip breakfast?

Did you grab a donut and coffee at the office?

The two pictures above are what I ate for breakfast this morning.  A few fresh eggs from a neighbors' chickens and some fresh berries from our garden.  Simple, but healthy and filling.

Let me know what you your response in the comments here.

If you aren't sure as to what you should be eating in order to lose fat during your boot camp experience, you can look at this healthy list here, or you can check out our registered dietitian, Amy Kulbal's site here.

As always let me know how I can help.