Morning Class /
Your goal for tonight is to go to bed early. Good quality sleep is critical to your success.
Have your workout stuff ready to grab for the morning.
Take a warm bath, and sleep in a dark, cool room.
Have a little coffee or tea ready for the morning.
See you in about 12 hours.
* Also for the morning may park inside on the school grounds.
* P.S. I'm going to sleep by about 8p, so I won't see phone or email messages till tomorrow morning.
Jan 4, 2010 Boot Camp Begins /
You are receiving this because you are in the Jan. 4, 2010 boot camp session.
If you are new to Boot Camp Pasadena, I welcome you. If you've taken classes before, I sincerely thank you for joining us again.
For those of you who are new, we meet at 1840 N. Lake Ave, Altadena. We usually meet on the blacktop or the grass near Woodbury Rd.. There is a black gate which you may enter there. For the morning class most people usually park inside on the school grounds, but for the evening class you'll need to park on the street.
Please bring a mat, large beach towel, and some drinking water. Dress in layers.
I usually get to the school at least 15 minutes before the sessions begin in case you have any questions. I like to help in any way I can, just ask.
As usual I'll be bringing in some new exercises and keeping it fresh.
I always write from my heart, and here are my "tips" for getting the most out of these 12 sessions...
- Show up to every session. This also means that you show up rested, on time, and ready to train. Try to empty your mind of other stuff, and concentrate on working your hardest during the session.
- Eat well, according to the tips I give you. lean meats, fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables, healthy fats, nuts and seeds, and limited fruits.
- Get enough sleep. This means going to bed at a reasonable time so that you wake up feeling rested. Consider this a priority. If you don't your chance of losing the fat will be very difficult.
- Interact with the other boot campers. (via the blog, the Facebook group, etc..) There are a lot of great people in these camps, many have been with me for a long time.
- Ask me any questions and give me feedback. The more we communicate, the faster you will see results.
I look forward to having a great class. See you Monday.
Happy Saturday /
Happy Saturday morning to you.
I'm working on the final rosters today, and will be posting some details later today.
I will also be emailing you the information.
If you have a common question you may want to sue the search function here on my site. Many times you can find your answer there.
Talk to you later today,
The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise /
In the morning class we spoke a little bit about The Belly Fat Cure, by Jorge Cruise.
I've read the book and I recommend it. I'll elaborate more on it later, but for $10 on Amazon, it is a smart buy.
Monday and Wednesday /
Last sessions of 2009.
Monday and Wednesday regular sessions and Friday off.
Think about your 2010 New Years resolutions as they relate to fitness and health, also reflect on2009.
Please post them in the comments if you feel comfortable doing so.
Audrey...You Asked For It, Here's My Workout /
Hey Sleepy Heads /
Very small attendance this morning???
With many gone, this is a good time to get extra attention to form and technique.
Vacation Schedule:
No boot camp on Christmas day.
No boot camp on New Years day.
Camp begins on Jan. 4.
Discount on Road ID /
Here's something smart to buy as a Christmas gift for yourself as a boot camper, or for someone you know who exercises.
I've had my Road ID for about 3 years. It's one of those preventitive measures that you hope you'll never have to use, but smart to have.
You can receive a !0% discount by clicking here, and putting in the code: pcHoliday294
Boot Camp Schedule for December /
Everyone asking about the class dates for December.
We train our regular days through Wed the 23rd, off the 25th, back on Mon. the 28th and Wed the 30th is the last session.
We start up again on Mon.Jan 4 2010.
Just for Ladies...Do You Wish That Looks and Weight Didn't Matter With Regards to Pay, etc.? /
Ladies-You wish looks and weight didn't matter with regard to pay,etc. Check out this article from Forbes women.
How's Your Progress? /
Today marks the third session of boot camp, and I want to hear about your progress.
Please answer these questions for me. (Please post them in the "comment" section.)
Have you made it to all 3 sessions?
Did you take your measurements prior to starting the boot camp? Men-weight and waist, Ladies-weight, waist and thighs.
Have you lost pounds? Inches?
Did you take a before picture?
Did you purchase the book "The Primal Blueprint"? (My choice for nutrition information.)
Are you getting enough sleep? (Meaning, do you wake up feeling rested?)
If you know your diet is lousy are you taking a multi-vitamin?
How about a "greens drink"?
Are you getting enough protein? If not, are you using a good quality protein powder supplement?
How'd you do with the questions above? Dig in and train hard this last month of 2009. I know that you will be tempted to indulge in Christmas goodies, so train hard now.
How to Burn Fat With Circuit Training /
Hi guys, I just posted this morning's workout. Nice work today!
Fat Loss Eating Plan for Boot Camp Pasadena /
Hi guys, here's a quick (less than 3 min.) video to get you on the right track for losing fat in our next boot camp.
It's simple but not easy.
Buy yourself some protein and vegetables today, so you'll get started on the right path tomorrow morning.
Altadena Sheriff's Station Bike Ride /
Have a look at this fun bike ride which will be happening next Saturday December 5 in Altadena.
I'll be riding and would love to see you there. Contact me if you'll be joining us.
Schedules for December and Jan Boot Camp /
12 sessions
Begins Wednesday Dec 2 - Wed Dec 23 regular schedule
Off Christmas Day
Back on for Mon. the 28th and Wed the 30th
Jan 2010
Begins Mon. Jan 4 till Fri. Jan 29th
Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday Workout Time /
To all of you much thanks for training with me this year. It really is my pleasure, and I feel very lucky to get to do what I love to do which is training.
Enjoy today, and everyday.
Morning class: 6:30am
Evening Class: Regular time of 6pm
Stay on Track With Your Training During Thanksgiving Week /
My hope is that you have been earing clean and training hard so that when Thursday comes, you'll be able to enjoy all of your Thanksgiving favorites without any guilt.
Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas should be fun, and filled with loved ones and good food. I would rather that you go overboard a few times a year, then skimp and try to plan a diet, or low fat holiday.
Enjoy each day, be thankful each day...we have been given a tremendous gift.
P.S. The videos below are from my hike the other day. On the video I mention one of the reasons why I enjoy being in shape. It's nice to look nice, but the benefits of feeling great and able to do whatever your body asks is tops in my book.
Schedule for Thanksgiving Week /
Monday and Wednesday, regular times.
Friday 6:30am rather than our regular 5:45 time.
Friday evening class time to be determined.
What You Do On Your "Off-Days" is Important to Your Fat Loss Success /
Knowing that today is an "off day" from boot camp. I'd like to know what are your plans are as far as eating right and training.
I know what I’m gonna do. I’m going for a hike up this fire break.
It’s a steep and sandy climb, not for beginners, but you are welcome to join me.
Email me, call or text me if you’d like to join me and for the time. We’ll meet up at the end of Lake Ave. in Pasadena. The fire break is just to the left of the main trail.
We can talk about training, or whatever you like...or just crank out a great hike while wiping out some stress from the day.