I heard, I think it was Vanessa saying that she wanted to do more of these as soon as possible...maybe Wednesday.
I'm Impressed /
Marie, Belinda, Vanessa, Mary, and Angie doing some TRX Rows
I love your enthusiasm.
When I'm walking around checking your form and stuff, I am really impressed. I love the intensity, the grunting, the sweating...keep at it. It will pay off.
Give yourselves a pat on the back. I see your hard work and focus...you are on your way to getting leaner and stronger.
We are the First and Only Boot Camp in the Pasadena,CA area to be Using the TRX! As Seen on The Biggest Loser. /
It's true! I just confirmed it with the TRX headquarters in San Francisco...Boot Camp Pasadena is the first and only boot camp to be using the TRX in the Pasadena, CA area.
Most other boot camps ask you to buy your own mats, buy your own dumbbells...and then pay for the boot camp on top of that.
Here at Boot Camp Pasadena we are dedicated to providing you not only with the best training and nutritional programming, but also we invest in and for you.
My idea in creating this boot camp was to treat each and every one of you like one of my one on one clients. I decided to keep the class size small, so I will know you by name and I can provide personal correction while knowing your background and your specific goals.
You will not get this in other "boot camp mills".
Keep up the great work, and be sure to "brag" to your friends..."ya you know that TRX thing that you saw on The Biggest Loser...well I use that and my boot camp is the first and only one in the Pasadena area to train their clients with it."