Keeping you updated by Stephen Cooper

June 12, 2020...

I'll save you the details of an email from the school but will summarize.  They are reviewing their policies and guidelines and will "meet" with me Tuesday.

Here is the email I sent them...

I appreciate you getting back to me.

I can imagine that you have concerned parents.  

You can share with them that one of my current clients is an infectious disease doctor 

Dr. Marc Lariviere -

He has been advising me about reopening and is supportive.

And one of my other clients just sent me this email this morning.

"You can let them know you have a trained public health expert as one of your clients.

I will provide you the spray disinfectant for concrete​ ​& fencing, wipes for your equipment & protocol for Pasadena​ and Los Angeles public health Dept. 

​You can refer to my linked in profile for my ba ground certification on Covid19 & contract tracing.​

Dr. Tracey Veal -

​I've read and can apply the necessary steps from the recommendations from the City and county of L.A..​

​Clients drive or walk in, and touch their mats or my equipment.  They don't use bathrooms, water fountains, nor the hall.  We basically use the pavement.​

I'm fortunate to know and consider these experts my friends.  

Hopefully, this clears up some of the concerns that parents have.

Let me know what other concerns you or they may have.



So that's where we stand.  It's quite frustrating for me in that I'm anxious to get started...but I just have to deal with these circumstances.

In the meantime, I will continue to offer personal training in person and online.  I'm also doing small group training at a few residences.  If any of these interest you and fit into your budget, contact me.

If you know of or have a location that might like to have me do my classes there, please let me know.  I ask just in case the school decides they don't want me there.


"Safe at home" COVID 19 Update March 20, 2020 by Stephen Cooper

March 28, 2020 - Update

Our Outdoor Boot Camp Classes are Temporarily Closed

But, I am sharing online classes via YouTube. I’m posting updates and videos on my main site, If you have questions about at-home workouts, or I can help in any way, reach out.

626-509-9958, or

March 20, 2020

Good morning,

Having read through the “Safer at Home FAQ”, and having many clients choose to stay at home, I am stopping the in-person boot camp classes.

I will be providing videotaped classes beginning on Monday the 23rd.

I will be sending out more info soon, and also a special webpage and email newsletter with tips and suggestions for training at home.

I’ll try to keep messages short and succinct, as I realize that everyone is filled with lots of information.

The best way to contact me - as always, is to email me at:

I’ll update here as the day goes on.

Take care,


P.S. I’ll be here, just reach out.

Wednesday March 18, 2020 - Today's At Home Workout - No Equipment Necessary by Stephen Cooper

March 18, 2020 - Class # 8/13

Equipment needed: None

Warm Up: 60 sec

  1. Tai Chi arm swing

  2. Single leg deadlift stretch/touch

  3. Squat, then reach both arms above head as high as possible, got to tiptoes

  4. Split lunge, fingers laced above your head, as you drop one knee stretch up to the sky, lunge with next leg then tilt to one side

Work: 30/60/90 sec (see the time before each exercise) Repeat 2x, rest as nec between sets

  1. 60 - Push-up to plank

  2. 30 - Jump lunge

  3. 30 - Sprawls

  4. 90 - Alternating lunges

  5. 30 - Burpees

  6. Rest as nec, repeat this set one more time

  7. 60 - Push-up

  8. 60 - Handstand hold

  9. 30 - Jump squats

  10. 60 - Squat hold

  11. 90 - Alternating lunges


  1. 90 - Regular crunch

  2. 90 - Bicycle crunch

  3. 90 - Hips up, shoot heels up to the sky

  4. Rest as necessary

Tyson Squats:

Squat 1 time - squat deep and both back of hands must touch the ground
Take one step, then same deep squat as above but 3 squats
Repeat the step, then 5 squats
Keep repeating this one step while increasing the reps on each by 2 reps
So 7x, 9x, 11x, and so on till you reach 19x
100 total squats :)


  1. Dragon (one big step forward)

  2. Pigeon

  3. Puppy dog

Contact me if you have any questions. Or comment below.

A Letter To My Clients Regarding COVID-19 by Stephen Cooper

March 14, 2020

When I first began personal training over 25 years ago, my personal reason for training was mostly for vanity. It’s fun when people give you compliments on your looks, it becomes who you are. The health benefits just came along as a bonus for me. That’s not to say or discount that I’ve always thought that fitness training and diet were important for the brain, mood, and physiological health.

But over the years and as I age, my own reasons for training have changed. My goal for many years has been to be as strong and as healthy as possible to live life to the fullest. To create a strong foundation from which I can travel, ride my motorcycle with my son, hike, and be there for my family. Basically, I want to be in a position to ask my body to due whatever I want, and it will respond without hesitation.

Boot Camp Will Continue With Regular Classes

We are fortunate to have a client who is an infectious disease specialist (MD), and I’ve spoken with him about any additional precautions I need to adhere to along with any advice from the WHO and CDC.

Class Precautions

  • If you come early to class, you may have already seen that I have a habit of wiping down the equipment with Clorox wipes. This has been consistent before the new coronavirus. This, of course, will continue with special attention. If I run out of wipes, I will make a hospital-grade disinfectant with Clorox.

  • We will refrain from using the boxing gloves as not to encourage contact in this manner.

  • Keep 3 feet or more distance from one another. This is pretty common for us in class, but just to keep in mind.

  • If you or someone in your home is sick, use common sense and stay home. (Contact me for workouts to do at home. I can help.)

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or tissue.

  • Use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) before and or/after class.

But, Do Exercise

I wouldn’t start a vigorous exercise program right now, which could cause even more stress…but I would continue to exercise. The coming together, sharing and talking does help. Mentally and physically.

Financial Strain

I’ve already heard from clients who have lost multi-million dollar contracts. In my own family, my son’s job hours have been cut by 30% and my daughter who works in Port Townsend, WA found out that her work is closing today and they aren’t sure when they will reopen.

Having said this, I hope that we can help each other. If you want to train, and you do not have the money coming in, we can work out a deal. Train now - pay later.

On the flip side, if you can pay for multiple months ahead, I will give you a fair discount.

Wrapping Up

I always try to look at the bright side of things. My hope is that this “pandemic” can bring us closer. What makes my boot camp classes is YOU, and your involvement. Sharing, laughing, ribbing…it’s a community that I truly treasure. I’m here, strong and healthy and ready to help.

Contact me

Please contact me (email) with any questions.

Free TRX Workout - Workout From Home by Stephen Cooper

Equipment needed: TRX

Warm Up: 30 sec - each side

  1. Sit in low squat

  2. One leg cossack squat stretch

  3. Work/stretch - lean side to side while in cossack stretch

  4. Deep kneeling lunge, front leg wobble in/out

  5. Deep kneeling lunge, then rock back on the heel for a hamstring stretch

Work: 50 sec

  1. TRX 1 arm back row

  2. Dips from wall

  3. TRX 1 arm clock chest press

  4. Push-ups from wall

  5. TRX “Y” fly

  6. Pike press

  7. TRX front squat

  8. Plank

  9. TRX Mountain climber

  10. Crunch

  11. TRX side plank

  12. Side plank

  13. TRX hamstring curl

  14. Side plank

  15. TRX hip lift

  16. Banana rock


  1. Crunch/plank at least (Alternate 30 sec/30 sec, at least 6x)


  1. Dragon

  2. Pigeon

  3. Puppy dog

  4. Twisted chest cross

February Boot Camp Details, and Floppy Finned Orcas by Stephen Cooper

I was reading from "Move Your DNA..." by Katy Bowman (Book link) where she was talking about "diseases of captivity".  She mentioned how the dorsal fins of captive orcas have this "folded or floppy fin syndrome".

There are varying theories about why the fins droop, but scientists hypothesize that missing loads (swimming in open oceans with currents and speed) and tight-circle swimming in captivity, amongst other things, causes this wobbly cartilage.

So what in the world does this have to do with you?

What is your environment like? 

  • How much time do you spend sitting while driving to work? 

  • How about sitting at your work desk?

  • Sitting and watching Netflix, sports, or consuming social media? 

My hope in creating the boot camp workouts is to give you a wide variety of activities in which to challenge your body. 

Different movements including sprints, jumping, movement with weights, balance exercises, and stretches.  All there to push your body to adapt to a healthier you.

Seriously check yourself to see if you are devoting time (yes, you have time) to moving your body.  Be it dance, hiking, or whatever that puts some load on your structure, and challenges you.

If you aren't getting it done on your own, come join us.

February Boot Camp Details:

MWF AM Camp 5:45 AM- 6:30 AM
PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

12 classes for $165

Tu / Thur AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM
 PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

8 classes for $135

$18 (per drop-in)

Class: Each class is 45 minutes.

Out exploring the Pisgah Crater Lava Tubes with my son.

Out exploring the Pisgah Crater Lava Tubes with my son.


Current clients, if you haven't already, please confirm if you will be continuing in Feb..

Master the basics by Stephen Cooper


I posted this pic on Instagram today.

So often on social media I see pretty wild stuff when it comes to exercise and fitness.  

Things like breathing exercises in ice baths, or whether or not to go “full carnivore” diet.

May I suggest mastering the basics, like getting to sleep early and actually getting out of bed when your alarm goes off.  

Start with that.

Once a Year Special Starts Today (Ends Dec 14) by Stephen Cooper

Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park

I hope that you had a beautiful Thanksgiving.  My daughter recently moved to Washington State, so we spent a chilly few days near the Olympic National Park staying with her and her fiancé.

The promise used to be that technology would free up time so we’d have more leisure.  I don’t see this happening.  I only see more stressed out clients with more hectic days.

If you train with us you can check off having to think about what exercise and workouts you should be doing.  You just have to show up.

I’ll keep you focused on what works, like putting in consistent work and attention to the basics of training, sleep, and simple nutrition.  The real keys to achieving and maintaining long term results.

This brings me to the special for 2019/2020.

Starting today and ending on December 14th, you can prepay and save 15% on as many camps as you’d like for 2020.  You can buy as many months as you like at the discounted rate or pay for the whole year. It’s totally up to you. You’ll just need to decide how committed you are and how this fits into your budget.  (Regular prices for camps vary from $125- $175 depending on the number of classes per month.)

But, remember that this special offer ends on December 14th. Payments can be made in person or online, just let me know what works best for you.

December will be a pretty normal month where I’ll probably just take the 24th and 25th off.  It may change if I hear from enough boot campers that they’ll be out of town.

A chilly 22 degrees Lake Stevens, WA

A chilly 22 degrees Lake Stevens, WA

December Boot Camp Details:

MWF AM Camp 5:45 AM- 6:30 AM
 PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

12 classes for $165

Tu / Thur AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM
 PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

8 classes for $125

$18 (per drop-in)

Note: No Classes Dec. 24th and 25th

Class: Each class is 45 minutes.

This will be my 11th year running my boot camp.  It’s not easy running a solo business, so to those of you who train with me month after month, and especially year after year, I really appreciate it and am very grateful to you.


Current clients, if you haven't already, please confirm if you will be continuing in December.  We can also discuss your preferred rate and how the above discount may apply.

It's 6:30 in the morning, and you've achieved more than most. by Stephen Cooper

I assume that you are and busy (to say the least).

I see it more and more.  Clients who can’t attend workouts after work...because the work never stops :(

Between working late at your office, being stuck in traffic, or having to finish work at home, it seems like the only time that belongs to you is the first thing in the morning.

It may take a little getting used to, but considering it may be the only time that you will fit in time for yourself, I encourage you to take this morning time for you.  And just think, you'll be all done with your exercise by 6:30 in the morning.

This is a special month, one that has fewer days of boot camp.  (I’ll be visiting my daughter in WA during the week of the 25th.)  This makes this month a little cheaper than other months, and you can really commit to each class.  

Be thankful and grateful this month.  Make the effort and commitment to eat well, be active, and rest and sleep enough.   

November Boot Camp Details:

MWF AM Camp 5:45 AM- 6:30 AM
       PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

12 classes for $155

Tu / Thur AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM
             PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

8 classes for $125

$18 (per drop-in)

Note: No Classes Nov. 25th evening - Nov. 29th morning

Class: Each class is 45 minutes.


Current clients, if you haven't already, please confirm with me if you will be continuing in November.

Accountability Plan for October by Stephen Cooper

View near my daughter’s place in Washington State.

View near my daughter’s place in Washington State.

Note to Active Clients:

Good morning,

I want to make this a great month for you. I treat this like personal training and want to give you the attention like I would a one on one client.

I first need to know if you are continuing this month?

If so, read on...

Do you want me to hold you accountable, or is your training style more of "I'll just show up when I can fit it in"? Let me know by responding to this email.

What is your schedule like for October?

Will you miss certain days?

If you miss a workout unexpectedly, just shoot me a quick email on why you missed and when you'll make it up. (Know that you come to any workout mornings or evenings.) I ask why you missed so I know if you are injured, sick, or just missed for no reason. This helps me to adjust or coach you and your training.

What is one habit or one goal that you want to work on this month?



You've Got Choices, But Your Time is Ticking Away by Stephen Cooper

Washington State, from my son’s recent solo motorcycle trip.

Washington State, from my son’s recent solo motorcycle trip.

The other morning one of my long-time boot camp clients arrived early. I usually get to our location around 5:25 AM, about 20 minutes before camp begins. He was surprised to see me hunched down cleaning the kettlebells with disinfectant wipes. He mentioned that clients would probably find it surprising to know about the behind the scenes stuff that I do.

(Video - getting it done, no matter what. I share this to show it doesn’t have to be glamorous. or posed.)

The cleaning of equipment is a given, and a no brainer. The other stuff is not usually stuff that I talk about.

I worry a lot about my clients, and yes it does keep me up at night.

It’s a puzzle for me to try and create programming that is safe and effective. I try to keep in mind what weight a client uses while encouraging them to increase the resistance appropriately in order to keep forward progress. I’m also reviewing which clients have injuries and how can we work around them.

So programming has to be safe, effective, and I add new methods and exercises if I feel they are useful.

The next big piece of the puzzle is consistency and “motivation”. I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of motivation. I’d rather that clients work on building habits towards goals. Motivation is a cute meme, or a photo on Instagram oftentimes not followed up by action. If motivation causes you to act, and actually do something, then great…but do not rely on motivation.

So how do you build the necessary habits? You just do.

You commit and show up on time. Maybe the commitment is to me, or yourself. But do it. No excuses.

For the month of September, I set some personal goals.

  1. Meditate 10 minutes each day.

  2. Take at least a 1-2 minute cold shower.

  3. Walk at least 10,000 steps. (I used the free version of the Pacer app,

I did these for me. I honestly don’t get a thrill out of posting stuff like this on social media. That’s just me. I guess it comes from being an only child, and I just work that way.

I did, however, share my daily steps with my family via text.


The walking and mediating were the most difficult. Before I started I only averaged about 3,000 steps, so I really had to commit. There were plenty of times when I wasn’t “motivated” and could have coasted, but I did each of these 3 items each day for this month. 100%. This had nothing to do with motivation, this was a commitment to myself, and also to basically walk my talk. I never ask clients to do what I’m not willing to do.

So it comes down to choices…and priorities. You need to be very honest with yourself (and if you are training with me), then me too. Are you making choices which are leading you towards your goals?

If your commitment has been less than you know you’re capable of, start today, and kick a.. .

If you need accountability and don’t want to hassle with creating your own programming, then show up and train with us. (And yes, you can share your goals with me, and I will check in with you.)

October Camps

13 classes for the Monday/Wednesday/Friday groups - $165 for the month

10 classes for the Tuesday/Thursday groups - $135

Contact me for details. or call, 626-509-9958

Current clients - let me know if you’ll be continuing in the October Camp, and we can discuss your rate.

September = Back to School and Back to Training by Stephen Cooper

Morning Clients Getting in Some Reverse Band Crunches

Morning Clients Getting in Some Reverse Band Crunches

Now that the kids are back in school, it's time for you to get back on track.  If you are like me, you train to stay healthy and strong so you can experience the most out of life with those you love.

It's time to put you back into your schedule.

And it's time to toss out the excuses.

Does it Work?
Here's a text from a current client...

"I really appreciate your coaching and the way you craft training sessions. 

I’m floored with how quickly my body responds to training - especially after the long hiatus.  I know I have a ways to go to build my strength back, but I know I’ll get there.   Thank you for being 99% of the equation!

I put myself on my own little paleo challenge. The goal is to do it through the end of September... after two weeks of consistency & training, I’m down almost ten pounds. Would love to knock out another ten, by the end of it!"

September Boot Camp Details:
MWF AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM - 12 classes for $165
MWF PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM - 12 classes for $165
Click Here to Register

Tu/Thur AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM - 8 classes for $125
Tu/Thur PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM - 8 classes for $125
Click Here to Register

If you aren't familiar with where I hold the classes, we are right on the border of Pasadena and Altadena, right on Lake Ave.
(I will send out specific details with a map and all when you sign up.)

Yes, you can make up a class by coming to any other time/day.  My goal is to hold you accountable, so I just need to know when you are coming.

But, but...
If the Boot Camp times just don't work with your schedule know that I can create custom solutions like workouts you can do from home.  Prices vary depending on your needs, just ask.

Contact me if I can help with anything.

P.S.  Current clients, please confirm if you'll be continuing, and you can pay me through your regular means.  Thanks.

This week August 16, 2019 by Stephen Cooper

A Short 3 Question Survey (from me), On How/If You Use Social Media

Survey link

Einstein - Focusing on What Needs to Get Done (article)

Good Morning America, video on Intermittent Fasting.

Boot Camper Client Spotlight - Artist, Milano Chow

I know that she’s modest and probably won’t want me sharing this, but I love seeing and sharing what my clients are up to.

Whitney Biennial - NYC

One of our Boot Campers uses the Freestyle Libre 14-day CGM device stuck to their arm which they can read and track their glucose levels with their Android phone. Pretty easy and accurate.

I thought of them when I read this article in the WSJ,

A Simple Way to Actually Stick to Your Goals (And Why You Don’t Need Motivation to Do It - James Clear

July 19, 2019 - Some Things I'm Looking at This Week by Stephen Cooper

Some things I'm looking at this week...

Amelia Boone, lawyer, extreme adventure racer, and all-around stud, shares a long-held secret.

This is an incredibly important article. We often look at people like her and think they have everything together...but this article reveals otherwise.

A New Way of Measuring Your Health
The Power of One Push up

Arroyo Magazine mention
And a little article about my training and boot camp

Workouts for June 2019 by Stephen Cooper

I’m going to keep your equipment needs to a minimum for these workouts. Note that more isn’t better, better is better.

You will need dumbbells or kettlebells.

If you don’t have kettlebells and/or dumbbells, you may want to check first on Craigslist as they often have better prices and you won’t pay for shipping.

Workouts will be shorter than our normal boot camp classes, but still effective.

June 12, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

5 sets of almost max push ups...meaning do not max out on each set
After each set, hold an isometric chest squeeze for 15 seconds

Rest 1 min after each set of push up/squeeze

Biceps KB curls, 3 sets of 6-8 reps, slow 5 sec count on the down movement-explode up

KB front squats, 3 sets of 12-15 reps

June 14, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

KB chest press, 3 sets of 20 reps
KB chest fly, 3 sets of 20 reps
Rest 60 sec between sets

Biceps KB curls 3 sets of 6-8 reps, slow count of 5 on the down movement-fast up

Calf raises, rise up on both feet, then go to one foot, and slowly lower to the count of 5 (do 2 sets of 10-15 reps)
Rest 2 min between sets

June 17, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

Palms facing you KB press 3 sets of 6-8 reps - slow count of 5 on the down movement

Dips 3 sets of max reps
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Pistols 5 sets of max reps - use towel or TRX to help with depth of pistol

June 19, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

Elevated feet push-ups, 3 sets of max reps, slow on the down movement-explode up

Lateral shoulder raise with 10 sec isometric hold (arms raise to shoulder height, pause and hold 10)

Calf raises, rise up on both feet, then go to one foot, and slowly lower to the count of 5 (do 2 sets of 10-15 reps)
Rest 2 min between sets

KB deadlift 3 sets of 20 reps

June 21, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

Isometric biceps curls 5 sets of 5 sec isometric hold/squeezes

Close hand position push ups, 3 sets of max reps
Rest 60-90 sec between sets

KB good morning 3 sets of 15 reps (hamstring emphasis)

June 24, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

Bodyweight skull-crusher 5 sets of 10

KB front squats, 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Lying isometric hamstring curl hold (lie face down, flex legs to about 15 degrees, and contract hard for 5 sec, rest 8 seconds, repeat for 5 reps

Rest 90 seconds, and do one more set

June 26, 2019

Warm up as needed... 60 sec or so
Jumping jacks, high knees, wall push-ups, squats, etc.

Tabata style KB swings (know that there are free apps that you can use on your phone as a timer)
20 sec work, with 10 sec rest for 8 times
Rest 2 min

Tabata style RKC plank (squeeze plank hold 20 sec, rest 10 sec, for 8 times)

Extra Cardio Options - if you have energy, or do on off days

Day one
Complete this group 5 times, AFAP (as fast as possible)
20 push ups
20 high knees in place
10 burpees
30 lunges

Day two
Warm up as necessary

Tabata Style 20 sec work, 10 sec rest, 8 times
Choose to run hills, stationary bike, jump this style with whatever cardio you have available

Cool down as needed

Day three
Complete this circuit 4 times with a 1 minute rest between each circuit
30 seconds burpees
90 seconds lunges
30 seconds sprawls
60 seconds push-up to plank
30 seconds jumping lunges

The Wisdom of John Wooden... by Stephen Cooper

From John Wooden “Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court”

I told my athletes in basketball, “I don’t care if you are tall, but I do care if you play tall.” It’s just another way of saying that I judged them by the level of effort they gave to the team’s journey. That’s the standard of measurement I used. I could also have told them, “Show me what you can do, don’t tell me what you can do.” Too often the big talkers are the little doers.

I think of this as I train my own clients.

My hope is that you show up on time and give it your all. Some days will be better than others, but push yourself.


No classes on Memorial Day May 27

Vacation: No classes June 12-27

We saved you a space... by Stephen Cooper

We saved you a space...

How often do you work your core?  

Using the TRX at Boot Camp is just one way that we train the core.

If you aren't training consistently and want a group atmosphere with support and coaching, then I encourage you to join us in May.

Morning TRX Boot Camp Class

Morning TRX Boot Camp Class

Morning Classes: 

5:45 am - 6:30 am 

Evening Classes: 

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm


Three times per week (13 classes in May) - $175

Twice a week (9 classes in May) - $135

Some Things I'm Doing Or Looking At This Week, April 14, 2019 by Stephen Cooper

Motorcycle weekend trip with my son, April 2019.

Motorcycle weekend trip with my son, April 2019.

Kihachiro Onitsuka, the man behind Tiger/Asics shoes - Article

Eating for Longevity with Professor Valter Longo ( A podcast with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee)

How meal timings affect your waistline - BBC article

Not everybody will feel great on KETO or have good results - article

How changing your work commute can help you live longer - article

If you’d like to receive these via email, please sign up here…