Will You Be Next To Lose 30 Pounds in Less Than 3 Months? by Stephen Cooper

I know it's a pretty dramatic headline, but it's true.

No miracles, no whacky promises...just a client who shows up three times a week to boot camp, and who also watches how she eats.

Nothing extreme, just good solid work and commitment.

Could you do it?  Of course.

If you'd like to get on track with your fat loss, then join us Monday.

June 30 - July 28 (MWF Camps) 12 classes 
5:45 AM - 6:30 AM - $165 per person 
6:00 PM - 6:45  PM - $165 per person

July 1 - +July 24 (Tu/Thur Camp) 8 Classes
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM $125

Click here to secure your spot.

Contact me to secure your space, or for any questions.


Weekend Workouts for Missed Boot Camp Classes by Stephen Cooper

Have you ever wondered what the method to my madness is?  There is a plan, and I'm going to share part of it with you here.

I’ve designed the boot camp workouts just as I would do on my own.  I realize that we all have a limited amount of time, so there are 3 workouts planned for the week, and one to three more at-home workouts for you to do on your own.  The 3 workouts per week are the minimum to see results, and the extras depend on your time, nutrition, stress, and how well you’ve recovered from the other workouts.

Ideally I’d like you to get in the 3 boot camp workouts, and then one longer weekend workout. I especially like you to do this longer workout with your family.  This longer workout can be a hike, bike ride, walk, whatever.  Just be active for 2 hours or so.  The time and healthy example you set for your family are so important.

Here’s what I would do if I missed my regular workout/s during the week.

For fast calorie burning and muscle stimulation I’d do some Tabata stuff.

(You know the drill 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, for 8 sets.)

I’d do squats, push ups, dips, or jump rope.  Pick one if you are short on time, or two if you feel energetic.

You can always do 50 reps of kettlebell swings for a great blast to the body workout.  (Make sure that the kettlebell is heavy enough to get your heart pounding.)

For the longer workout, I’d do a Stair Walk, a long walk, or a long bike ride.

Keep it simple, but do it.  Assuming you’ve already missed a weekday workout, you cannot afford to skip the weekend too.

What are some of your favorite weekend workouts?


Ready, Set, Go! by Stephen Cooper

Welcome to the June 2014 Paleo Challenge.

I want to keep this challenge as simple as possible. When it comes to the Paleo Diet, there are oftentimes arguments about minutiae.  Is this OK to eat this, our caveman ancestors did or didn't eat this, etc..  

Try not to get caught up in that.  This is meant to be a healthy and fun journey, not one of deprivation and worry.

Stick to the basics which boils down to eating as wholesome and as natural as possible.

Do Eat:
Meats, fish, chicken, eggs
Fruit (limit if you want to decrease your weight faster)
Nuts, seeds
And healthy fats/oils such as avocado, macadamia nut, olive, walnut

Cereals, grains
Processed foods
Refined vegetable oils
Candy/junk food

Sleep 8 hours a night
Drink plenty of water

I'll be sending out some exercise ideas a little later today.

Breakfast:  Tropical Paleo Granola - MIchelle of @nom nom paleo

Lunch:  Mediterranean Chopped Chicken Salad - @Melissa of The Clothes Make The Girl

Dinner:  Paleo P.F. Chang's Chicken Lettuce Wraps - Russ Crandall of @The Domestic Man

If you'd like more paleo and healthy recipes, check out my page of Paleo Cookbooks.

* P.S.  There's still time to sign up, check out the details here.


Links for the Week of May 30 by Stephen Cooper

No Class on Memorial Day, But I Do Have a Workout for You by Stephen Cooper

I've used this workout before, and it's short and sweet.  Credit Tim Ferriss for this workout.

You'll do 5 sets of only 8 repetitions of the following exercises.  

Also don't put down the weight, go right through all of the 6 exercises...put the weight down and then rest 90 seconds.

The exercises are 

Cleans  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCdhjfg7fv4&feature=kp

Push press http://youtu.be/g0gEsMc1JZ4?t=28s

Front squat http://youtu.be/SdvBNLk-Tyg?t=1m9s

Bentover row http://youtu.be/YCg1YxMt3oY?t=20s

High pull http://youtu.be/Li4g5p6s2eM?t=51s

Deadlift http://youtu.be/KSZogPDS9c0?t=23s

These can all be done with a bar, or a dumbbell or kettlebell.


Links for the Week of May 9 by Stephen Cooper

Video of Spartan Race Founder Joe De Sena, Organic Farming in Vermont, Motivation, Commitment.  Also talks about his new book, Spartan Up

Unconventional Training, Steel Mace, Battle Ropes, and More,  Onnit Academy

Fall in love with sleep, and make it a priority.  7 Secrets of People Who Get Enough Sleep

The No. 1 Lesson from Navy SEALs: Don't Quit in Anticipation of Future Failure.  

The Navy knew well that most of the qualified and motivated candidates who started the SEAL training didn't finish. Most quit and they wanted to know when and why.

It turned out that the vast majority didn't quit when they were out braving the cold, wet or otherwise inhospitable conditions. They didn’t quit in the middle of the demanding and stressful exercises. Most quit over breakfast or lunch. They quit in anticipation of the difficult conditions to come. They self-eliminated, not because they didn't have the abilities to perform the tasks, but because they feared that the coming challenges would be too difficult and they would then fail (and fail in front of their classmates).

May Camp Openings and Details by Stephen Cooper

2014 has been such a mild and comfortable year for training outdoors, and I'm sure that May is going to be beautiful too.

There are limited spaces for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning classes, while the Monday, Wednesday, Friday evening camp has spaces, and so does the Tuesday/Thursday evening camp.


To register, click on the links below or contact me.

To register for the MWF 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM Camp, click here. 

To register for the MWF 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM Camp, click here.

or for the 

Tuesday/Thursday 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM Camp,

* Update:  Know that you can register mid way through the camp, just email me for details on how to register.

A client asks "What type of workouts should I do on my days off?" by Stephen Cooper

Here's my response...

Let's assume that you'll attend 3 boot camp classes on MWF.  You could do the long walks on any of those days.  On 3 of the other days T,TH, Sat you could do the 20 min brisk cardio workout and then a short weight workout.  Sunday I would rest completely and possibly get a massage or other relaxing time.

Tuesday you could simply do 50 kettlebell swings.  If you don't have a KB, you can use a dumbbell.  Get a weight that challenges you.  Maybe you can only do 20 swings without a break...but get in the 50.

Thursday you could do Tabata Squat Thrusts.  Grabbing 2 dumbbells, you'll keep them near your shoulders, squat down deep, stand, and press above your head.  You'll watch the clock and do this 20 seconds of work, and 10 seconds of work.  Do this 8x as fast (but as safe) as you can.

She also asks about taking measurements...

With weighing and taking measurements try to be as consistent as possible, meaning measure at the same time, same clothes, same areas.

Measure the places you most want to see improvements.  Don't go overboard, just take about 3 or 4 places.

Feb 3 Camp Openings by Stephen Cooper

New client openings for the following February 3 Boot Camp.

Monday, Feb 3 (MWF camps)
5:45 AM - 6:30 AM - 8 openings - $175 per person
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM - openings - $175 per person

Click here to secure your spot.

Tuesdsay, Feb 4 (Tu/Thur camp)
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM openings - $130

Click here to secure your spot.

Please email stephen@bootcamppasadena.com to secure your spot, or for more information.


P.S.  Current clients, if you haven't already, please confirm if you will be continuing in this camp.

Is There A Fat-Loss Formula? by Stephen Cooper

Photo credit... Neto Fernandez

Photo credit... Neto Fernandez

For each camp I often think I should have some type of "form letter" describing tips or what you should do to get the best results from boot camp...but then I realize that each client is different, and the same strategy doesn't work for everyone.

In coaching you during camp my main hope is to help you learn the habits which I feel are most helpful in changing your body composition and health...for the long term.  I could have you do some pretty drastic things, and the results might come quickly...but they could also fade just as fast if you quit.  I prefer laying out methods which will hopefully impact your health not only today, but for your lifetime.

So focus on these three areas.

  1. Sleep and recovery
  2. Training
  3. Eating as close to natural as possible

You'll need to be consistent in all of these areas to see the best results.

I have clients email me so that I can hold them accountable and help them with suggestions.

Here is an example of a client's day...

Meals for Monday, January 27th.

slept  =  7.5 hours
breakfast  =  homemade Paleo egg salad.
exercise  =  boot camp and 30 min on stair climber & 15 min slow jog on treadmill.
lunch  =  baked chicken and saute cabbage in liquid Aminos & olive oil
snack  =  strawberries w/almond milk
dinner  =  beef short ribs, cauliflower mash & roasted Brussels sprouts
water  =  64 oz.

These daily choices add up.  Either in a positive direction, or negative.  

Be strategic about your day and your life.  Your body and your health will thank you.


Feb 3 New Camp Begins

The First Workout of 2014 by Stephen Cooper

Happy New Year from Me and the Family, Sequoia Park.

Happy New Year from Me and the Family, Sequoia Park.


Know that I am here for you.  As an active boot camper you can always email me: a snapshot of your meal, the # of glasses of water you drank, the # of hours you slept, and any exercise you do outside of boot camp.  Some clients email me at each meal, while others email me once a day.  I encourage you to take advantage of this.

Social Media Distractions...

In the past I've posted on Facebook, and via the email newsletter, but clients often miss important dates and announcements.  From now on I will post all notices and messages here on the blog, so look here first.

As far as contacting me...please contact me via email.  I won't always be on social media, and you can usually get a pretty fast response from me if you email me.

Are you catching the theme?  Yep, I'm really feeling distracted by social media.  I feel that my main focus is to help you achieve your goals while you train with me, and I hope to do that via the blog for general news, and email or in person, for more personal communication.

Start Your Healthy Eating Off With These Delicious Eats from Nom Nom Paleo...

10 Healthy Ideas to Get You On Track For The First Week of January

8 Exercise You Can Do At Work...

Keep active with these these 8 exercises you can do while at work. (Two of them you may not want to do unless you have a towel or mat for your floor.)

"You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, to your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy." -- Arthur Ashe

How To Burn More Fat From Your Morning Boot Camp Workout by Stephen Cooper

For some of you just waking up and making it to the early morning boot camp class is a great start, but wouldn't you like to know how you could optimize your fat burning?

As your coach and trainer I only have a short time to be with you in person, so my hope today is to give you some tips and strategies that you can use on your own to make your morning workout even more effective.  

Tip #1:  Get to bed early the evening before your workout

A good nights sleep helps your metabolism, gives you energy to train hard, and you'll have less carb and sugar cravings in the afternoon.  You don't want to show up groggy to camp, and then be starving in the late afternoon.  

Tip #2:  Train on an empty stomach

You could also have a simple protein shake 25-30 grams or so.  Experiment, and journal your meals to see what works best for you.  You'll want something that gives you energy, but doesn't weigh you down.

Tip #3:  Get to class a little early and roll

You know that we do a warm up before our workouts, but using a foam roller and a tennis ball are an excellent way to get a deep tissue "massage" before we begin.



Last Classes for 2013 by Stephen Cooper

Schedule for the last days of 2013.

Regular classes on Monday December 23, and Tuesday evening the 24th

No classes on

Wednesday the 25th

Thursday the 26

Friday the 27th

Regular classes on Monday December 30, and Tuesday evening the 31

No classes on Wednesday Jan 1, Thursday Jan 2


New Camp Begins on Friday January 3

Make the Commitment to You by Stephen Cooper

Our recent trip to Balboa Park in San Diego

Our recent trip to Balboa Park in San Diego













Here's something I recently wrote to a client who found herself missing classes due to work and "life".

My hope is that you can arrange your work time and recovery time so that it compliments your training.  I know that it's easier said than done, but I can't stress enough on how important it is.  

You've got to put YOU as a priority.  Sadly I've seen too many clients who get "chewed up" by the "system", and their health and life suffers.  Please take care of yourself.

Plan your meals.  Know that you've got to bring your meals, or know where you can eat a healthy meal.

Sleep.  Create a habit whereby you can get good quality sleep, and sufficient hours. You may want to use some method of tracking your sleep.  Be it something like a FitBit, iPhone App, or the "Lift" app..  Another way to create a habit is the free, "Tiny Habits" by Stanford professor, BJ Fogg.  Find something that works for you...but make it a habit.

Make the commitment to yourself.

Cold Weather Tip by Stephen Cooper

Here is a great tip from one of our boot campers...

"When I was in college i spent some time in Berlin.  Went to law school in DC -- Here's a tip for the cold to pass on. Put on your jacket, gloves, hat, scarf at least 5-10 minutes before you leave.  You'll begin to sweat and feel uncomfortable so much so that it will feel really good to step outside into the nice cold air.

Of course. By contrast, if you wait to put on your coat until you're walking out the door, then you really never get warm. "

Be Active on The Weekends by Stephen Cooper

My chickens love their activity time.

My chickens love their activity time.

I designed the boot camp from the way I like to train myself.

During the week I commit to training three times, maybe four.  On the weekends I like to do a long hike, stair walk, or a different activity.  Saturdays are a nice day to do something active with the family, or get a massage.  Sundays are usually a day for recovery and I don't train at all.

Stay committed during the week and don't let things get in your way.

If you missed a boot camp class during the week, make sure to make it up on the weekend...you don't want to lose any progress you've made.

Being fit and lean is a never ending process of hanging in there and doing the small, sometimes tough stuff each day.


Reminder that we will have classes on the day after Thanksgiving.  I'll be in town, so I'm here to help you burn off that stuffing and pumpkin pie.