
Paleo Challenge Begins Sept 13th by Stephen Cooper

Paleo 7 Week Challenge

September 13 - November 1

We are going to do a 7 week Paleo Challenge. The challenge starts on Monday, September 13th and ends on Monday November 1.

Here are some of the basics when it comes to following the Paleo Eating Plan.  (Please look over these to decide if you are up to the challenge.)

  • Eat real food
  • Do not eat dairy.
  • Do not eat grains.
  • Do not eat legumes.
  • Do not eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial.
  • Do not eat processed foods.
  • Do not drink alcohol, in any form.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep each day.

You'll be monitoring your success over the 7 weeks of the challenge using a system of points. (Honor system.)  Points will be earned by following the eating and training guidelines, and points will be subtracted for missing workouts and not following the rules.

Details and Guidelines of the Challenge

  • Eating: Paleo.
  • Cost: $25 to be put into a kitty.
  • 3 'Before' pictures taken: (on or within 2 days of Sept. 13) front view, side view and back view. Men are in shorts and Women are in shorts and sports bra/bikini top.
  • Each Sunday your food log is emailed to your accountability partner.
  • 3 'After' pictures are taken on November 1 (or within the next 2 days).
  • Boot Camp Pasadena trainers will pick the top 5 people whose body composition changed the most.
  • Winner wins entire kitty plus 1 month of boot camp classes from Boot Camp Pasadena.
  • Runner-up wins 1 month of boot camp classes at Boot Camp Pasadena.

Daily Points & Bonus Points

Each challenge participant can earn 3 points per day.

You will earn 3 points per day in this manner.

  • 1 point for eating according to the Paleo Method
  • 1 point for exercising
  • 1 point for sleeping 8 hours

One point will be subtracted when you miss one of these steps. (For those in my boot camp if you miss a training session, then subtract a point. If you are training on your own and miss your workout, same rules apply.)
Details of the Paleo Eating Plan

  1. Eat real food. Meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, oils. Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re fresh and natural.
  2. Do not eat dairy. This includes butter, cheese, yogurt and milk (including cream in your coffee).
  3. Do not eat grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, corn, oatmeal, and also any gluten-free pseudo-grains (quinoa, etc).
  4. Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter!
  5. Do not eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial.  No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Truvia, Stevia, etc.
  6. Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes, processed bars like Zone and Balance bars, dairy-free creamers, etc.
  7. Do not drink alcohol, in any form.

I will be adding more details and a FAQ section soon,but I wanted to get this out to you now so that you can jump in, or not.

To enter, email me at stephen "at"

What Did You Have For Lunch Today? by Stephen Cooper

...and more importantly did it help you on your path to losing fat and getting lean, or did it push you in the wrong direction?

You'll find that these choices add up.  Choose healthy meals and your body will reward you with better health and a leaner body.  

So tell me here in the comments, what did you have for lunch today?

P.S.  If you were curious, I had two small pork chops in olive oil, and a peach.  Nothing complicated, but right on target.


"Should I Have Something to Eat Before My 5:45 Workout? by Stephen Cooper

I'm often asked this question and here is my response...

It depends.

You may want to have a small protein shake of 1 scoop protein powder, some water, and maybe a little full fat coconut milk.  (No low fat coconut milk...what's the point.)

Maybe a small handful of almonds and a half an apple.

For others, it may just be some coffee or my favorite, mate´.

You'll need to experiment to see what works best for you.

For after your boot camp session there are conflicting theories on when and what to eat.

Some say that you should just eat protein and fat...or many say this is a good time to add more carbs such as fruit plus the protein and fat.

I prefer that you have a wholesome breakfast with protein, vegetables, fruit, and some healthy fat.

Skip the complicated formulas...just eat as close to nature as possible and your body will take care of itself.


Related Posts


Fat Burning Breakfast by Stephen Cooper

I'm often asked, "what should I eat for breakfast?".

Another question I hear a lot from clients is, "should I eat before boot camp, or not?"

As many of you know I wake up early on boot camp days, 4:50AM to be exact.  Usually I have a protein shake of some sort (recipe below) before boot camp, and then later around 9AM I'll have my main breakfast.

As far as fat loss theories...I think the verdict is still out if you should train on a fasted state or not.  I just told a boot camper this morning like I'm telling you here... if you feel a little queasy working out on an empty stomach, then have a few almonds and a half an apple.  Maybe a half a protein shake.  Experiment and see what gives you energy, but doesn't slow down your workout.

Coffee, mate', or tea are fine too before your session. 

So let's assume you are going to have your real meal after your boot camp session.  Here is a plan.

Choose lean proteins, eggs, leftover protein from the night before, add some vegetables, a piece of fruit, and some healthy fat.  Keep it simple.

Here's what I had today:

Pre boot camp shake:

2 scoops protein powder

1 frozen pack Sambazon Acai

1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

and water.


Around 8AM

3 eggs

hot chipotle salsa (Trader Joe's)

collard greens

olive oil for cooking

fresh apple from my neighbor's yard (thanks John)

Remember: proper "fueling" for your workout is critical.  Not only do want to eat right to have enough energy to train hard, but you want to eat a mix that will help you recover faster, and lose fat most effectively.

Pay attention to good eating, and your body will reward you. 


Related Reading:

Morning Frozen Acai Protein Shake

What to Eat for Maximum Fat Loss and Performance 

Meal Pictures

Simple Breakfast


Simple Breakast by Stephen Cooper

Most of the time I eat for function rather than enjoyment.  That's not to say that I don't enjoy or appreciate a well prepared meal, it's just that most of my meals tend to be for fueling my body.

Here is what I had for breakfast this morning.

Turkey patty with some McCormicks Spicy Montreal Steak spice, and some papaya.  

Eating like this I feel lite and energized. 

You can see more pictures of "Boot Camp Friendly" meals here.


Pop Quiz: What did you eat for breakfast this morning? by Stephen Cooper

So a pop quiz for this morning.  

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Was it some combination of lean protein, fruit, and some healthy fat?

Did you skip breakfast?

Did you grab a donut and coffee at the office?

The two pictures above are what I ate for breakfast this morning.  A few fresh eggs from a neighbors' chickens and some fresh berries from our garden.  Simple, but healthy and filling.

Let me know what you your response in the comments here.

If you aren't sure as to what you should be eating in order to lose fat during your boot camp experience, you can look at this healthy list here, or you can check out our registered dietitian, Amy Kulbal's site here.

As always let me know how I can help.

The Paleo Diet is Becoming More and More Popular...Learn More About it in This Teleseminar by Stephen Cooper

I've posted the link to our very first teleseminar about the Paleo diet.  Our guest on this call is Amy Kubal, our registered dietitian who specializes in the Paleo way of eating.

Eating right is critical in your desire to lose fat.  Paleo happens to be my choice for staying lean and healthy.  i realize that there are many ways to keep off the fat, and this is one option.

The call is about 45 min. long.

Amy mentions frozen meals which are paleo friendly. 

Let me know you thoughts here in the comment section below.  If you have ideas on more guests or topics please let me know.

Show #1 Amy Kubal, RD Paleo Diet

Important Teleconference with our Registered Dietitian Amy Kubal by Stephen Cooper

Proper eating is critical for fat loss and fueling your training here at boot camp.

Amy specializes in the Paleo style of eating, which is the way I eat about 90% of the time.  I've found it to be a pretty simple method of eating, plus it keeps me lean and energized for my own training.  Best of all I used to get colds almost every other month, and since I've been eating this way, I rarely get sick.

The call will be live on Thursday April 15th at 5pm PST  (I will be emailing all active boot campers the call in number and code...please look at your email.)

If you can't make the live call and have questions for Amy please submit them to me via email.

The call will be recorded too in case you can't attend the live one.

So think up all of your diet questions and have them ready or submit them to me ASAP.

what to eat for maximum fat loss and performance by Stephen Cooper

A big thanks goes out to Nancy Meenen of CrossFit Seattle for sharing this...

Leaning Challenge Guide to Eating

• All of the lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs you can eat
• All of the non starchy vegetables you can eat
• Plenty of fruit
• Moderate healthy fats
• Moderate nuts and seeds
• No grains or cereals at all
• No legumes
• No dairy products (eggs are meat)
• No processed foods – make it yourself!
• No sugars. Agave, organic honey, molasses, pure spun golden sunshine….it doesn’t matter.
They are all equally bad for you.
• No artificial sweeteners. These are not food! Creepy laboratory products with sketchy safety
records, artificial sweeteners have been shown to produce an insulin response.
“In order to get enough protein and calories you should eat animal food at almost every meal” (Cordain,
Page 101)
Many different kinds of meat will work well for you. Here are some guidelines:
Animals, including fish, raised in commercial farms are not healthy so try to get
 Grass fed beef
 USDA certified organic meat
 Wild fish
 Locally raised animals
If unable to do any of the above, then eat the leanest cuts you can and trim visible fat.
Eating the fat of healthy fish, birds and animals is good for you. Eating the fat of unhealthy
creatures is not.
Eggs are good. Eggs from birds allowed to forage and run around are better.
Buffalo, elk, venison and other types of wild game are excellent choices if you can get them.
Time to get creative. Non starchy vegetables should be a big part of each meal. Virtually all vegetables
offer excellent nutritional value.
When possible choose organic, locally grown vegetables that are in season. Each of these factors
will improve nutritional value.
Experiment with sautéing, roasting and grilling your veggies. Try different recipes and different
ethnic foods. Learn to use herbs and spices. This stuff should taste good!
Peppers, squashes, eggplant, garlic, leeks, onions broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, carrots, green,
cabbage, celery, kale, dandelion (yes! dandelion) spinach, tomatoes, radish, parsnips,
Avoid starchy vegetable – potatoes, etc. If you must eat starch (it happens) try yams and sweet
Avoid legumes. Peanuts, beans, peas, lentils and soybeans should be avoided.

A paleo diet allows and encourages lots of fruit consumption. There are a few issues with fruit
consumption though. We need to consider how the fruit was grown as well as the type of fruit to evaluate
nutritional value. We also need to consider pesticide exposure.
If you can grow your own fruit or pick wild fruit – go for it!
Scavenge the local farmers market for fresh local seasonal fruit. Organic is best.
Try to avoid fruit from far away. Flying in kiwis from New Zealand is not really helping our
Avoid GMO (genetically modified organism) fruit. Period.
A little fruit juice occasionally can be okay but, fruit juice is really candy.
Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly to minimize pesticides.
Some fruits like bananas have a high glycemic load and should be avoided if you are trying to
loose fat.
Berries! Eat lots of berries!
Filling and nutritious. Nuts and seeds are packed with protein, fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants and lots
of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and magnesium. It is possible to screw up your fat profile
with nuts though. Lots of nuts have an unacceptably high omega 6 / omega 3 ratio. Here are the best
Macadamia nuts
Nuts in moderation are very healthy but overeating them can stall weight loss. Cashews especially are
delicious but surprisingly high in carbohydrate and contain too much omega 6.
Peanuts are not nuts. Do not eat peanuts or peanut butter. Peanuts contain lectins and other anti-nutrients
which can cause some real health problems.
Note: Lots of packaged, shelled nuts are covered in trans fats! Read the label! Best to buy raw, unsalted
nuts and spice them at home. When in doubt, buy walnuts and/or macadamia nuts.
Fat is good for you. Fat is essential to your well being and happiness. (This is not hyperbolic writing.
Having the proper fat profile makes a huge difference to your mental outlook and moods). Fat is a great
source of energy. Fat triggers our sense of being full. Fat is an essential part of many of your cellular and
hormonal processes. We sicken and die fairly quickly without adequate intake of essential fats.
However….there are many bad fats in our food supply.
Fat from healthy animals is good for you! Chicken, duck, goose, lamb, beef and pork fat can all be eaten
and is an excellent choice for cooking because of heat stability. Lard is internal fat from around the
kidneys. Lard from naturally (not grain) fed pork and beef is a very good choice. Lard from grass fed
animals is hard to find though, so butter can be used instead.
Butter. Not really paleo, butter contains milk solids and water as well as fat. Butter from grass fed cows
is very good for cooking and enhancing the flavor of steamed vegetables.
Making butter better! (More paleo)
Melt butter in a sauce pan over low heat. Remove butter from heat and let stand for a few minutes,
allowing the milk solids to settle to the bottom. Skim the clear yellow liquid from the top and strain into
a container. You have just made Ghee! Ghee stores well frozen.
Coconut oil is good for you and a good choice for cooking. Choose organic, cold processed coconut oil.
Olive oil is very healthy. Go for the extra virgin, cold pressed and use liberally. Olive oil does not have
great heat stability so use something else for high heat frying.
Flaxseed oil is very good but…it should not be heated at all and oxidizes rapidly. Store flaxseed oil in the
refrigerator and use quickly.
Fats to Avoid:
Trans Fats – fats damaged by heat. Trans fats can be extremely destructive to our health. Trans fats can
be made at home!! Start with a healthy, unrefined oil, naturally high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids –
apply excessive heat and presto! Health wrecking trans fats. Easy!
Hydrogenated and/or partially hydrogenated oils. Terrible! Reread the last paragraph.
Canola – should be avoided. Canola has a very good omega 6/ Omega 3 ratio. However, to be used
commercially it has been genetically modified, highly refined, partially hydrogenated and deodorized.
Margarine – see trans fats.
Peanut, cottonseed, soybean and wheat germ oils…Not good!


more diet makeover ideas by Stephen Cooper

Here's a "makeover" I just suggested for one of our boot campers.

Her diet is in black, my suggestions in blue.

Day 1:

Breakfast at 8:30am: 1 hardboiled egg. 1 cup coffee – no sugar or creamers

Snack at 10am: 1 apple Add some protein and fat, sliced turkey/almonds.

Lunch: salad w/no dressing. 1 pork tamales Cut out the "masa" or outer shell of the tamale...could be very high in calories depending on the brand of tamale.

Snack at 3pm: 1 orange  Once again, add some protein and fat.

Dinner: grilled chicken salad. No croutons.

Drank about a liter of water throughout my day


Day 2

Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs.   1 cup coffee – no sugar or creamers

Snack:  10:30am - 1 apple Once again, add some protein and fat.

Lunch: Mediterranean food – three beef kabobs, hummus, small salad and 1 pita bread Totally hardcore is to cut out the pita bread.

Snack: 4:30pm – 1 grapefruit  Once again, add some protein and fat.

Dinner at 7:30pm – sushi

Drank a liter of water throughout my day


Day 3:

Breakfast at 8:30: 1 hardboiled egg.  1 cup coffee – no sugar or creamers

Snack at 11:00am:  1 orange  Once again, add some protein and fat.

Lunch: foot long turkey sandwich from Subway. Filled with vegetables. Light mayo & mustard. Ditch the bread.  Keep the protein and vegetables.

Snack at 4pm: 1 orange and 1 apple

Dinner: chicken and beef bbq’d.  Over small portion of white rice. (About the size of my fist)  The BBQ beef...Was that made with a sugary based sauce???  Cut out the rice.

Drank a liter of water throughout my day

From the client..."I think what's hard for me is to cut the bread.  Even though I eat whole wheat bread I feel like I still need to eat it."

My response..."Cut out the bread, rice, etc., for 2 weeks straight.  Your cravings will be strong for about 4 days, and then you should be over it.  Increase your good fats too. Olive oil, avocados, etc.."

Easy Paleo Eating Tips by Stephen Cooper

Here's a short and sweet round up of Paleo eating, from Paleo Brands...

By the way, this is the way I eat about 90% of the time.

Fat Loss

Effective, lifelong fat loss is easy with Paleo foods. We recommend the majority of your meals look something like this:

  • 4-8 oz of lean protein such as chicken, lean beef, turkey, pork loin or seafood.
  • Then add several servings of multicolored vegetables, either raw, steamed or lightly cooked.
  • Finally, round out the meal with good fats from Avocado, olive oil or a handful of un-salted nuts such as almonds, pecans, macadamias or walnuts.

Make sure to have 3-4 meals like this each day. Give it 30 days and then let us know how quickly and easily it is to lose unwanted body fat, all without hunger and cravings. Until you reach your desired level of leanness we recommend you keep your fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day and make these choices mainly from berries and melons. Keep in mind, you will be eating plenty of nutritious fresh vegetables, we just want you to see the fastest, most effective results you can. This is why we limit your fruit in the beginning to help you change your metabolic engines to a mode of “fat burning”.

Now The Washington Post Is Talking About The Paleo Diet by Stephen Cooper

You know that I been talking about the Paleo diet for almost 3 years.  When I first spoke about at a class at Pasadena City College, I can tell you that out of 30 or so people zero had heard about it.

I've chosen it for myself and also recommend it to my clients for two big reasons.

1.  You will get leaner eating the Paleo way.

2.  You will be able to train and recover better than most other ways of eating.

I don't recommend "diets" and other things without having studied a lot on the subject, plus experimenting on myself.

Have a look at this article in the Washington Post for more information on Paleo eating.

Here's a quick recipe for a Paleo Shake

1-2 scoops Sun Warrior vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup water
4 ice cubes
Place ingredients into a blender for 30 - 60 seconds. 

Other Paleo related links.

The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain

Robb Wolf  More about Paleo eating.

What To Eat To Lose Fat At Boot Camp Pasadena by Stephen Cooper

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